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Men drink human breast milk and are torn and fight cancer


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Some enterprising healthy nuts tout the unorthodox way of building muscle and fighting cancer by drinking human breast milk. And despite a low-level epidemic for some time, interest in milk has prevailed. Netflix docuseries “(Un)well.”

“If I want to grow up and be the best I can, I’ll eat like a baby,” says Jameson “JJ” retainer in South Carolina. An episode 3 amateur bodybuilder who raises breast milk through a Facebook donor. Rittner claims at the show that unconventional supplements helped shed body fat while keeping it swollen, Report Insider

“I think the vitamins from breast milk really helped him,” said Retenor’s trainer in the episode. The trainer claims to have measured his progress before and after taking his unique performance enhancer.

Talking about trends, sports nutritionist Brian St-Pierre Men’s Health Magazine, “I think the idea behind breastfeeding for muscle growth is that it is incredibly rich in calories and nutrients, and there are some additional healthy substances. “

“Because breast milk is designed to rapidly feed human babies, people may think that similar effects will occur in fully-fed humans.”

But so far, evidence of the bodybuilding benefits of breast milk remains anecdotal. According to Bruce German, a professor of food and chemistry at the University of California, Davis, “it’s not of particular value to athletes,” despite being proven to be essential for infant development. He also added that the substance has a poor nutritional composition, is low in protein, high in saturated fat, and rich in indigestible lactose.

Not only that, breast milk is often purchased from Facebook, Craigslist, Reddit, and even dubious sources like pregnant women, increasing the chances of contamination, Men’s Health reports.

“Breast milk is generally unregulated. If a woman eats badly, it will be of terrible quality,” said Mark Halpan, a nutritionist at Salt Lake City. “And diseases like HIV can be transmitted through breast milk.”

Indeed, the research done by National Children’s Hospital Of 101 breast milk samples purchased online, 75% contained latent pathogens, 10% of which were intentionally cut with milk or milk powder.

Still, it’s not just Musclehead that lowers the milk of an adult mother. Howard Cohen, a prostate cancer survivor featured in the episode, has been consuming it for about 20 years after reading a 1999 article claiming a milk component called HAMLET (Human α-lactalbumin killed tumor cells) Destroyed the cancer cells.

Cohen claimed that breast milk plunged his PSA level, a marker of prostate cancer risk, and the disease could not be followed since then. Pauline Sakamoto, executive director of Mothers Milk Bank in San Jose, Calif., said Cohen is procuring what is called a cancer treatment, “I’m sure there is something there,” he said. It was

in the meantime, Some studies have shown Taking HAMLET has made it possible for bladder cancer survivors to flush away cancer cells that have died due to urination.

Nevertheless, breast milk may not be the oncological holy grail that the study claims. “The only problem [with drinking breast milk] It’s a protein, and it’s usually digested in the digestive tract,” says Anders Hakansson, a Swedish professor of medicine who led a 1999 study. “I mean, I don’t know if it actually reaches a tumor in the body…”

Even though breast milk boasts health benefits, there is a nationwide deficiency, so older donated cancer survivors are at the bottom of the list when it comes to valuable donnies.

Katie Hind, a professor at the Center for Evolutionary Medicine at Arizona State University, says “(Un)well,” and she doesn’t have enough donor breast milk that her intensive care unit baby desperately needs.

St. Pierre summarizes the breast milk epidemic as follows: “This is probably nothing special and not worth the hassle, risk, or money.”

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