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WHO says mystery disease in Congo is caused by acute respiratory infection

WHO says mystery disease in Congo is caused by acute respiratory infection


A mysterious disease affecting people in the Democratic Republic of Congo is most likely caused by a respiratory virus exacerbated by malaria and malnutrition, a report has announced. Report released by WHO on Friday. This assessment contrasts with previous reports that the disease, previously referred to as “Disease X,” was caused by severe malaria. However, the current report is consistent with the hypothesis put forward by. Africa CDC It is believed that the disease may be caused by a viral infection against a background of malaria and malnutrition.

Laboratory tests showed that 64 of 89 (72%) samples taken from patients were positive for common respiratory viruses. Most commonly, these samples tested positive for influenza A virus, rhinovirus, or SARS-CoV-2 virus, the pathogens that cause Covid-19. More than 60% of the samples analyzed were positive for malaria. malaria, typically caused by Plasmodium falciparumIt is very common in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where about 12% of all infections and deaths worldwide occur. The burden of malaria is particularly high among children.

The WHO report also provides updated information on the current disease situation. 891 infections and 48 deaths have been reported. The burden of disease remains tallest among childrenApproximately half of all reported cases and deaths occur in children under 5 years of age. In adults, 66% of cases occur in women. WHO officials speculate that this gender difference may result from differences in household transmission dynamics, reflecting the increased role of mothers in caring for sick children. Cases remain confined to Kwango province.

The severity of a child's illness is almost certainly exacerbated by malnutrition. “Food security has worsened in recent months and levels of acute malnutrition have increased in affected areas,” the WHO report said. The report also states that approximately 4.5 million children under the age of five in the Democratic Republic of the Congo “face or are expected to face acute malnutrition.” Additionally, more than 3.5 million pregnant or breastfeeding women may be severely malnourished. This level of food insecurity will lead to worse outcomes for many infectious diseases.

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The WHO report concludes by concluding that the risk to the community is high. In contrast, national, regional and global risks are low.

This report provides strong evidence that this mysterious illness may be related to a common respiratory virus, but further research is needed. Only samples from a limited number of patients have been analyzed. Increased surveillance and increased testing in the region must continue. Additionally, the report highlights a myriad of factors that can influence the severity of infection. Currently available information suggests that this disease is not caused by a new pathogen. Rather, evidence shows that known pathogens are placing an increasing burden on vulnerable populations.




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