More illnesses and deaths reported in malaria outbreak in Democratic Republic of Congo
An outbreak of a mysterious disease in a remote part of the Democratic Republic of Congo has been determined to be an acute respiratory infection complicated by malaria, health authorities announced Friday.
According to the announcement, 891 infections and 48 deaths have been reported since late October. update from the World Health Organization on Friday.
Hundreds of samples were tested to understand more about the disease. More than 60% of rapid diagnostic tests were positive for malaria, and about two-thirds of those tested using the more accurate PCR test were also positive for Plasmodium falciparum, the parasite that causes malaria. Other tests also detected common respiratory viruses, including influenza.
The outbreak is considered ongoing and additional epidemiological investigation and clinical testing continues. The number of weekly infections has remained relatively stable since early November, according to WHO data. There was one spike in cases in the week ending December 15, likely due to improved case detection following the deployment of rapid response teams. The death toll didn't increase that much that week.
A WHO update on Friday said: “Ongoing investigations and preliminary test results indicate that the combination of a common viral respiratory infection and falciparum malaria, combined with acute malnutrition, is a serious infectious disease. “This suggests that this has led to an increase in deaths.”
Symptoms that can lead to fatal cases include difficulty breathing, anemia, and signs of acute malnutrition, with young children especially vulnerable.
Children under the age of five are particularly affected, accounting for almost half of all cases and 54% of all deaths. This age group represents only 18% of the region's population.
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Women are also more likely to be affected than men, and WHO suggests this may be due to the close interaction between mother and child during acute respiratory illness.
The disease spread in the country's remote and rural Panji district of Kwango province. Vaccination coverage is also low in this population, and the rainy season increases the risk of malaria spread, complicating limited transportation and health infrastructure.
According to the WHO, the region “has experienced worsening food security in recent months.” Severe malnutrition is a life-threatening condition in itself, and disease and malnutrition can exacerbate each other, officials said.
Broad risks to domestic and global populations remain low, highlighting the special burdens of this situation.
“Overall, the events highlight the serious burden of common infectious diseases (acute respiratory infections and malaria) on vulnerable populations facing food insecurity, access to health care and This highlights the need to strengthen quality,” the agency said in an update on Friday.
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