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The head of CDC warns that the US will be “the worst fall… I have never experienced it”


The world is waiting to monitor the COVID-19 vaccine and control the coronavirus pandemic, but there is another inoculation that will be equally important this fall.

It’s a flu shot, the American flu season is usually Starts in October and peaks between December and February.. And the Centers for Disease Control is very worried about what happens as a pandemic Killed at least 200,000 Americans since March I bleed during the flu season 12,000 to 61,000 deaths per year..

CDC Director Robert Redfield Warning in WebMD interview on Wednesday The United States is at risk of “the worst fall we have ever experienced from a public health perspective”.

This is not because the cool weather somehow exacerbated the coronavirus or the summer heat killed the virus Common misconceptions about coronaviruses.. Rather, autumn and winter are the hours of flu shine.

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“We have COVIDs in the fall and influenza in the fall. Dr. Redfield also pointed out that the number of patients with coronaviruses is already overwhelming. There was also a hospital report. New York, Texas and Arizona Call the refrigerated truck to act as a temporary morgue for handling the number of corpses. And I saw the flu 140,000 to 810,000 hospitalized each year Since 2010.

Both outbreaks could be catastrophic this fall at the same time. But one of them, influenza, has vaccines and treatments that can actually control it. The problem is less than half (47%) of the countries that were vaccinated against influenza last year. The CDC normally recommends that 60% to 70% of countries get the flu shot to keep the virus under control. This year, Dr. Redfield said he is promoting 65% compliance.

Also, while the CDC typically purchases about half a million doses of vaccine each year for uninsured adults, this year Dr. Redfield wants to encourage everyone to be vaccinated against influenza, He said he ordered more than 10 million additional inoculations.

Please do not postpone reports of seasons when the vaccine is not effective at all. (For example, the 2017-2018 vaccine had an efficacy rate of about 36%, which meant that doctor-related visits to the flu were reduced by that amount.) This vaccine can reduce the risk of complications and flu deaths, even if you get sick.

“In addition to the importance of wearing masks, socially washing our hands and making our meetings smarter, one thing we can all do is finally prepare for the fall. The first (and that) is to get the flu vaccine,” Dr. Redfield. “Obtaining that flu vaccine could eliminate the need to take a hospital bed. And that hospital bed could be made accessible to those who might be hospitalized for COVID.” There is a possibility.”

“This year is the year I ask people to think deeply about the flu vaccine.”

— Dr. Robert Redfield

However, health officials are concerned that fears of catching COVID-19 in public may prevent people from seeking influenza vaccines and other critical medical care during the pandemic. I will. actually, Less than half of Americans said the COVID-19 vaccine would be available when it became available.

Two-thirds of parents Orlando Health Report Released this week, they said they were “still nervous” about taking their children to a pediatrician for a pandemic. The World Health Organization and UNICEF also “Worried Decline” The number of children around the world who have been vaccinated to save lives due to the spread of the coronavirus.

In addition, a recent Kaiser Family Fund survey found that about half (48%) of families said they had delayed receiving medical care during a pandemic, with 1 in 10 people having a worsening family condition. I said that I did. In addition, millions of Americans are unemployed, and so are their health insurance to get this kind of preventive care.

With no insurance, shots typically run between $40 and $60 in drug stores such as CVS
+ 0.38%

And target
+ 0.15%
Or someone with Costco

Or, a Sam’s Club membership can get out of hand for just $20 or $30. You can also find a health center near you, or find out about free and discounted vaccine offers in your state,

In addition, in the fall, respiratory diseases such as rhinovirus (one of the causes of the “cold”) and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) occur. The latter is the most common cause of severe respiratory illness in young children and the cause of death from respiratory illness in adults over the age of 65. The good news is that safeguards to avoid COVID-19, such as frequent hand washing, social distances, and face mask wear, also minimize the spread of these other viral respiratory infections. To help. These measures may reduce the influenza epidemic.

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“When I hear about Thanksgiving, I think it depends on how Americans react,” Dr. Redfield said. When people were vaccinated against influenza according to CDC’s recommendations on social distance and hygiene, [COVID-19] Outbreak,” he said.


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