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Studies show teens at greater risk of COVID-19-Andalusia star news


Studies from the Stanford University School of Medicine show that teens and young adults who use e-cigarettes have a significantly increased risk of contracting COVID-19.

This study, published on August 11th in the Journal of Adolescent Health, is the first study to explore the relationship between vaping and COVID-19 in adolescents, using US population-based data collected during a pandemic.

“Teen and young adults need to be aware that when they use e-cigarettes, they are likely to have an immediate risk of COVID-19 due to lung damage,” the lead researcher said. The author, Dr. Bonnie Halpan Verscher (Professor of Pediatrics) said. ..

“Young people may believe that their age will prevent them from getting the virus or experience the symptoms of COVID-19, but the data show that this is not true among people who breathe ,” said post-doctoral researcher Shivani Mathur, the lead author of the study. Dr. Gaiha

“This study found that young people using vape or dual use [e-cigarettes and cigarettes] High risk, not just a slight increase in risk. That’s a big problem,” Guiha said.

The increased risk of getting the virus after Vaping was 4-7 times more likely.

A total of 4,351 participants completed the online survey in all 50 states.

“We conducted a national nationwide online survey of young people aged 13-24 and youth in the United States from May 6 to 14, 2020. This study uses Qualtrics, a leading corporate research technology platform. “Participants were recruited from Qualtrics’ existing online panel using survey web links on gaming sites, social media, customer loyalty portals, and through website interception recruitment. The Qualtrics panel is widely used to conduct social/behavioural studies.The online survey takes 15-20 minutes.Through quota sampling, e-cigarette users (50.2%) and non-users (49.8%). %) Adolescents (13-17 years, 33.7%), adolescents (18-20 years, 41.6%), adults (21-24 years, 24.7%), by gender and race/ethnicity. I’m in balance.”

The reason for this increased risk comes from various studies showing that increased exposure of electronic cigarettes to nicotine and other chemicals adversely affects lung function.

“There are several reasons why both dual use and e-cigarette use are associated with COVID-19 infections,” the study said. “Higher exposure to nicotine and other chemicals in e-cigarettes has been shown to negatively affect lung function, and the lung damage caused by e-cigarettes is comparable to flammable cigarettes. COVID-19 It spreads with repeated touches on the hands, mouth and face, which is common among cigarette and e-cigarette users. In addition, sharing the device (may be reduced while at home) But it’s also a common practice among young e-cigarette users.”

In addition to warning teenagers and adolescents about the dangers of vaping, the researchers urge their findings to further tighten regulations that regulate how vaping products are sold to adolescents. I’m looking forward to.

“Now is the time,” said Halpan Verscher. “We need the FDA to rush to regulate these products. And we need to tell everyone: If you are a vaper, you are at risk for COVID-19 and other lung diseases. I will.”

What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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