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Japan's influenza surges to highest level since 1999

Japan's influenza surges to highest level since 1999



Influenza cases are rapidly increasing in Japan, with the average number of infections per medical facility at the highest level since current record-keeping began in 1999. According to children's hospital officials, some children have died.

patients rush to hospitals

Clinics in Tokyo are inundated with patients, with staff warning of long wait times.

According to Hiromichi Ito, director of the clinic, the number of influenza patients has been rapidly increasing since last month. Approximately 25 people tested positive per day.

The number of influenza cases has skyrocketed since the end of the year, the doctor added. The clinic opened on New Year's Day, which is usually a holiday, and the number of patients continues to increase.

Clinics are overwhelmed, he says.

explosive increase

As of the end of last month, the average number of patients per medical institution nationwide was 64.39, with 43 out of 47 prefectures exceeding the alert level.


Oita Prefecture in western Japan had the highest rate at 104.84, followed by other prefectures in the Kyushu region. Major metropolitan areas were also affected, with Aichi Prefecture, where Nagoya is located, at 82.35, Osaka at 67.53, and Tokyo at 56.52. Alert level is 30.

Experts have warned that infections may have already peaked in some regions, but the number of cases could rise again if another type of influenza virus begins to circulate.

Medical care in crisis situations

As the number of patients rapidly increases, medical institutions are feeling their limits.

Masaharu Matsuyama, chairman of the Okayama Prefectural Medical Association, says that if the situation of patients hospitalized with influenza worsens further, it could be called a crisis.

Masaharu Matsuyama, Chairman of the Okayama Prefectural Medical Association

Sawai Pharmaceutical, a major generic drug company, announced that it will temporarily suspend shipments of the anti-influenza virus drug oseltamivir (capsules and syrup) due to a production shortage.

According to the Ministry of Health, oseltamivir accounts for about 25% of the country's total supply of anti-influenza drugs.

Antiviral influenza drug oseltamivir

Possibility of serious cases

In some cases, it can cause serious complications.

Dr. Takayo Shoji of Shizuoka Children's Hospital said he has three young patients with influenza-related encephalopathy.

This is a type of brain dysfunction that can cause patients to lose consciousness or have convulsions. It is characterized by a sudden worsening of symptoms within a day or so after they appear.

According to Shoji, all three visited the hospital for about a month, from mid-December to early January. That was a lot for such a short period of time.

Of the three patients at the hospital, one infant died.

CT image of influenza encephalopathy

According to officials at the Tokyo Metropolitan Children's Medical Center, as of January 5, there were four hospitalized patients with encephalopathy, one of whom had died.

Yuho Horikoshi, in charge of infectious diseases at the hospital, says there is no need to be overly concerned as only a small percentage of children develop this complication.

However, if your child has trouble staying conscious, doesn't make sense when speaking, or has seizures, he or she may have an encephalopathy. Parents should call an ambulance and see the child in the emergency room.

Cases are generally reported among children between the ages of 1 and 13, Horikoshi added.




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