Winter and increased risk of stroke

Bangalore is currently experiencing a cold winter and everyone is enjoying a morning sleep wrapped in thermals. However, winter has its own health risks that you should be aware of. Certain neurological conditions such as stroke, Bell's palsy, and neurological disorders are known to increase during the winter months, and patients suffering from degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease and dementia are more susceptible to infections and cold-related medical problems. It's easy.
The incidence of stroke increases significantly in the winter, especially when temperatures drop sharply during the cold months. Understanding this relationship can help you take precautions to protect your health during the cold season. The mechanisms of winter stroke include increased blood pressure due to cold, hypercoagulability due to increased blood viscosity, and fibrinolysis. Patients are more likely to have a heart attack, and heart problems such as atrial fibrillation or blood clots forming in the heart chambers increase the risk of stroke.
There are two main types of stroke. Ischemic stroke occurs when neurons in the brain die due to blood clots in cerebral blood vessels and accounts for 70 to 80 percent of stroke cases. Hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a cerebral blood vessel ruptures, causing bleeding into the brain parenchyma and destroying neurons. . It has been previously reported that ischemic stroke is associated with low temperature. Studies have shown that the incidence of ischemic stroke increases by 3.9% for every 1°C decrease in temperature below the average daily temperature. Exposure to cold temperatures causes blood vessels to constrict, a process known as vasoconstriction. This can increase blood pressure, one of the most important risk factors for stroke. For people with pre-existing conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes or cardiovascular disease, the increased strain on the heart and blood vessels during the winter can be dangerous. Strokes occur early in the morning or at night, delaying family response.
Additionally, cold weather increases the viscosity of your blood, making it thicker and more likely to form blood clots. A blood clot can block arteries in the brain and cause ischemic stroke, the most common type. Additionally, staying indoors during the winter to avoid the cold and not getting enough exercise can worsen risk factors such as obesity and high cholesterol. In winter, food intake increases and metabolic abnormalities occur. During the winter, people tend to reduce their water intake because they sweat less and have an increased burden of disease.
Respiratory infections such as influenza are also prevalent in the winter. Research suggests that infection triggers an inflammatory response that can destabilize arterial plaques and cause strokes.
How to recognize stroke symptoms?
Stroke and heart attack together account for 30% of India's annual deaths. Stroke is the second leading cause of death worldwide and the third leading cause of death in India. Identifying stroke symptoms and transporting patients to the nearest stroke-capable hospital is critical to a patient's recovery.
It is important to recognize stroke symptoms quickly, as timely treatment can significantly improve the prognosis. The acronym BEFAST is a useful tool.
Balance: Loss of balance
Eye symptoms: blurred vision, decreased vision, double vision, etc.
Face: One side of the face droops
Arms: Unable to raise one or both arms
Speech: Slurred or incoherent speech
Time: It's time to act quickly and contact emergency services
If symptoms of stroke are confirmed. Visit your nearest Stroke Ready hospital during prime time. The first four-and-a-half hours after stroke symptoms appear is called the golden hour, during which drugs to destroy blood clots can be given. If a large blood vessel becomes blocked, it can be removed with a procedure called mechanical thrombectomy. Surgery may be required if there is significant bleeding or swelling in the brain.
Measures to reduce your winter stroke risk:
Stay warm: To avoid excessive cold exposure, dress in layers and keep your home properly heated. Make sure your sleeping area has sufficient ventilation.
Monitor your health: Check your blood pressure regularly and follow a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise.
Stay active: Find indoor activities to stay fit, like yoga, stretching, or using gym equipment. Minimize outdoor fitness activities during extreme weather conditions.
Boost your immunity: Get your flu shot and practice good hygiene to avoid infections. eat nutritious food
Manage stress: Use techniques such as meditation and breathing exercises to manage stress effectively.
Make sure to stay hydrated during the winter.
There are many fun things to do in winter, but you also need to be careful about your health. By understanding the increased risk of stroke associated with this season and taking proactive steps, recognizing the signs of stroke and responding quickly can save lives, and awareness and prevention can help manage your winter health. It will be an important part of.
Dr. Suryanarayana Sharma, Senior Consultant Neurologist and Stroke Specialist, Apollo Hospital Bannerghatta Road Bangalore, Founder Secretary, Karnataka Stroke Foundation Bangalore
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