The number of people with dementia could double by 2060. Here are 7 ways to reduce risk
Dementia patients in the United States are expected to double by 2060, rising from more than 500,000 new cases annually in 2020 to about 1 million annually by 2060, according to a new study. There is.
dementia is a term used to describe a decrease in cognitive function It may interfere with daily life and activities. Symptoms of dementia include: memory lossdifficulty completing tasks, disorientation, and poor judgment.
The survey results were published in a magazine natural medicineevaluated the health records of more than 15,000 people aged 55 and older, all of whom were free of dementia at age 55.
Researchers found that the risk of developing dementia after age 55 was 42%, and the lifetime risk rose to more than 50% after age 75.
The study also found that black adults, women, and APOE4 carriers were at highest risk. APOE4 is a specific genetic variation associated with an increased risk of: alzheimer's disease.
“These results highlight the urgent need for policies that focus on health equity and promote healthy aging,” the researchers said in the study.
What is causing the increase in dementia rates?
One factor that may be contributing to the increased incidence of dementia is the inclusion of more diverse populations in studies.
The study included “26.9% of black people, who tend to be at higher risk of developing dementia.” Nathaniel Chin, MDM.D., Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine. Wisconsin Alzheimer's Disease Research Center.
Additionally, the study found a high prevalence of the APOE4 allele (30.8%) in the participants, compared to the typical 20-25% seen in the general population, Chin said. “APOE4 increases the risk of developing AD dementia.”
Professor Chin said this study benefited from closer monitoring of participants compared to previous studies, including more telephone interviews, record reviews and, in particular, a dementia check.
Another important factor to consider is that baby boomers are a huge generation, and as a huge number of them age, more people will develop dementia, Chin said. said. “Age remains the biggest risk factor, with over 76 million baby boomers.”
cardiovascular disease Chin said this is also a major factor, and as it has become more common in recent years, it may be contributing to the increase in dementia cases. Things like environment and genetics may also play a role in the increase, but “further research is certainly needed in this area,” Chin added.
What can you do to reduce your risk of dementia?
Older people are at higher risk of developing dementia, but younger people can also develop dementia.
According to a 2023 study, the risk of early-onset dementia, or developing dementia before age 65, is associated with 15 health and lifestyle factors. Researchers have found that they are socially isolated. hearing impairment, depression, heart diseaseand vitamin D deficiency These were all associated with a higher risk of dementia in young people.
The good news, Alzheimer's experts say, is that there are some important steps you can take to reduce your risk of dementia, many of which focus on the overall health of your brain and body. That's it.
They include:
- Stay physically active. usually physical exercise is one of the best ways to support brain health. aim physical activity most days of the week.
- Keep learning. your my heart was stimulated Helps maintain cognitive function. Try to learn something new every day.
- Eat healthy food. prioritize vegetableslean proteins and meats, and whole foods that are low in fat and processed ingredients. a balanced diet Supports both brain and cardiovascular health.
- Let's protect our heads. avoid injury Wear protective equipment as appropriate and be careful of activities that may lead to falls or accidents. For example, wear a helmet during activities such as cycling or skateboarding.
- Maintain heart health. cardiovascular health It's important. give it a try reduce high blood pressure, manage diabetes and cholesterolavoid and minimize smoking alcohol intake.
- Get enough sleep. Aim for at least 7 hours of restful sleep each night. good quality sleep Essential for brain health.
- Enjoy life. spend quality time With the people you love. This contributes to your mental well-being and overall health.
what this means for you
As the U.S. population ages, more people will develop dementia, according to a new study. To reduce your risk of dementia, experts recommend staying physically active, learning new things, eating a healthy diet, and getting enough sleep each day.
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