New finger prick test tried to provide better prescription
It is hoped that the test will one day be used by general practitioners to immediately determine whether antibiotics are needed for common respiratory infections.
GPs may one day be able to use a finger stick test and a throat swab to instantly determine whether a common respiratory infection is bacterial and requires antibiotics or viral. No.
Several general practices across Victoria are participating. Deakin University study testing two new tests for bacterial infections – A finger prick blood test (point-of-care C-reactive protein (CRP) test) for patients with respiratory symptoms measures the level of CRP in a drop of blood. A throat swab (Streptococcus A pharyngitis test) also confirms the presence of Streptococcus A in patients presenting with an acute sore throat.
Results are available within minutes, allowing GPs to make informed decisions at the point of care.
Following a small study launched last year, researchers plan to begin a large-scale pilot of the two tests in May in several GP clinics to investigate the impact on prescribing.
Deakin University researcher Dr Sajal Saha said the test could help doctors more accurately assess the causes of common respiratory illnesses and decide on the best treatment. It also supports GPs in communicating with patients who request, but do not require, antibiotics.
“To avoid diagnostic uncertainty as to whether the infection is bacterial or viral, the test can be carried out by a general practitioner or, if necessary, a nurse, during the patient's examination, and if positive, “We can get results in ~3 minutes,” he said. News GP.
Diagnostic uncertainty, along with patient and parent self-diagnosis and limited training and resources, is one of the many contributing factors to overprescribing by general practitioners, Dr Saha added.
Early trial results from two of the participating GP clinics show that a simple, low-cost fingerstick test can reduce antibiotic use by up to 30%. Dr. Saha said a throat swab test for strep A bacteria can also help ensure optimal antibiotic treatment.
“Strep A is a common cause of throat infections, and doctors prescribe antibiotics in about 70% of cases. However, Strep A is the cause of only about 15-20% of sore throats. , so the level of overprescription is very high,” he said.
Associate Professor Paresh Dawda (Quality Care), member of the RACGP expert panel, said: News GP These tests can aid in antimicrobial stewardship.
“Distinguishing between viral and bacterial infections is important, and any technology that can help make the distinction is positive,” he said.
However, he cautioned that the benefits and harms need to be considered when introducing new technology.
“Once an intervention is proven effective, there are also significant implementation challenges that need to be considered to make it scalable,” Associate Professor Doda said.
For RACGP regional chair Associate Professor Michael Clements, there was a clear potential for positive impact.
“This could be valuable in rural and remote communities, as decisions about hospital transport and recovery often have to be made based on symptoms, but it also gives a clearer idea of possible pathogens. “That means we can make better decisions,” he said. News GP.
Researchers said the trial had the potential to significantly improve the safe use of antibiotics in Australia, which has “one of the highest antibiotic prescriptions in the developed world”.
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