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Divorce of parent in childhood linked to adult stroke risk

Divorce of parent in childhood linked to adult stroke risk



According to recent studies, experiencing parents divorce during childhood is related to the increase in risks of elderly stroke.

Public data secondary analysis suggests that the divorce of children in childhood can increase the risk of stroke in the elderly by up to 61 %. This is not the first time that the association was observed, but the author of the research rings an alarm and encourages clinicians to consider childhood divorce as potentially important dangerous factors.

“Surprisingly, parents' divorce and stroke have not attracted much research, but I have published what I think. First study Looking at this in 2012, he said he was a professor of the author, Esme Fuller-Thomson, a professor at the University of Toronto, Torontorio, Director of the Life Course and Aging Laboratory, and the University of Torontario, Torontario. Medscape Medical News. “The data of 2022 has once again found that both diabetes and men are as strong as both men and women,” she said.

data It was released Online on January 22nd Plos 1.

Changed risk factor?

Researchers conducted a secondary analysis of an adult in the United States who lived in eight states (that is, Arkansas, Florida, Iowa, North Dakota, Oregon, Oregon, South Dakota, Virginia). Participants were part of the 2022 action risk factor monitoring system funded by the US Disease Control Prevention Center. According to the current analysis, qualified participants have aged. > In 65 years, I had never experienced physical or sexual abuse in childhood (two of some disadvantaged childhood experiences) [ACEs] It is associated with negative health results). The main results were the diagnosis of a self -reported clinician in stroke, and the main exposure was the divorce or separation of parents before the age of 18.

The final sample consists of 13,205 elderly (female 57 %), a child of childhood or sexual abuse, and 7.3 % reported a stroke diagnosis. About one (13.9 %) of seven people (13.9 %) experienced parental divorce.

Parents have divorced compared to the participants after the traditional coordination of stroke risks (for example, social economic support, social support, health behavior, body mass index, physical activity, aging, ACE) Those who did not experience the divorce of the parent who increased the risk of people significantly (adjusted odds ratio = 1.61, P = .005).

Related size was comparable to the size between diabetes and stroke, the size between depression and stroke. In this study, the participants of diabetes had 1.37 times the possibility of 1.37 times the stroke of diabetes without diabetes. Depression participants could be 1.76 times more stroke than those without depression.

“It's not a causal relationship, but it's a potential marker that might be important,” said Fuller Tomson. Medscape Medical News

The mechanism is unknown

The mechanism under the potential relationship between the divorce and stroke of the elderly parent is unknown, but researchers have separated parents, and regulations on the hypothalamus -pituitary gland -adrenal axis and cardiovascular diseases. He points out the possibility of stress after a long time exercise of children that leads to an increase in.

“I know that a disadvantageous childhood experience like a parent's divorce can increase the risk of diabetes. This increases the risk of stroke,” Hamilton's McCoumer. Dr. Ada Tang, Director of the University of Science, Science, Science, ADA Tang. Canada, Ontario. Tang is also part of the Macstroke Canada Research team. “Parent's divorce is very well -known and not a established risk factor, but you can see how you can make those dotted lines,” she said. Tan was not directly involved in research.

She added that this survey would enhance the benefits of drawing patients' health behavior and health history “richer and overall paintings.” “Stroke is in a very complicated state. Patients come because they have experienced stroke, but not just the moment when stroke occurs.” Patients have the history of lifelong health and behavior, which is dangerous. Masu.

“We consider it as an important potential marker,” said Flatmson. “We want to start thinking about this as a factor that the clinician was not previously on the radar.”

This study was conducted without external funds. Fuller-Thomson and Tang reported that there is no relevant financial relationship.

Liz Scherer is a health/medical journalist in the United States that frequently covers Canada and EU's health news and problems.




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