Two students of the Courtbridge Coronavirus cluster “go to school” before a positive test
Two students linked to Coronavirus A cluster of Lanarkshires tested positive after a short high school visit on Wednesday, the local health commission confirmed.
NHS Lanarkshire The study is conducted after three positive students at St. Ambrose High School and one student at St. Andrews High School in Coatbridge test positive.
The fifth case is related to youth, Students at school, Has also been confirmed.
One of St. Ambrose’s students “was at school for about 20 minutes,” according to the director of the NHS Lanarkshire Public Health Department, Gabe Doherty.
He also said that St Andrew’s students “go to school for a relatively short time” on Thursday before giving a positive test on Friday.
Docherty said: “The first students in St. Ambrose were positive on August 13 after showing mild symptoms since August 11.

“Intimate contact with a second student, the first outside the school, also gave a positive response yesterday. Neither was attending school.
“A third third student in St. Ambrose, two intimate contacts outside the school, was positive this morning (August 14) and appeared at school for about 20 minutes yesterday (August 13).
“This student had limited contact with other students while at school. The student was immediately quarantined and kept at home for 14 days.
“St Andrews students tested positive this morning (August 14th) and went to school for a relatively short period yesterday, but due to limited contact with a defined number of individuals, The risk to our students and staff is very low.”
There are no serious illnesses in either case.
Doherty further added: “The NHS Lanarkshire is working closely with the North Lanarkshire Council on these cases and quickly identified the close contacts for both cases.
“Public health advice has been given to these individuals and they are told to self-isolate.
“Our testing and protection services will continue to contact everyone who may be affected. According to the results of this afternoon’s review, the risk to the wider school community is low.
“The incident management team continues to respond day-to-day and keeps track of robust contacts.
Dr. Jennifer Dernborough, NHS Lanarkshire consultant for public health medicine, said: “The team is investigating potential links to the wider community that is affecting the school.
“There is evidence that social mixing in the community without maintaining physical distance can infect the virus.
“Given the current situation, there is currently no evidence to suggest that there is an epidemic in school, but people are required to be vigilant and practice physical distance guidance.
“At the moment, we recognize that there are still concerns for both the child and her parents. We can rest assured that all the environments these individuals have participated in have been identified and evaluated during the infection period. I will.
“Individuals, even if mild, experience cough, fever, Covid symptoms such as loss of taste and smell that require them to leave school or work to take a test. Information on how to access the test Is available from NHS Inform.”
A Scottish government spokesman said: “We recognize that a few students from two schools in Coatbridge have tested positive for Covid-19.
“The NHS Lanarkshire has found no evidence that infections are currently occurring in schools and revealed that the NHS Lanarkshire is currently conducting a community-wide investigation.
“The NHS Lanarkshire is also taking the appropriate steps by writing to the parents of the school, providing the reassurance and detailed steps we are taking to address these cases.”
That was after another cluster in northeast Glasgow was associated with the students at Bannerman High School in Baileyston.
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde said, “There were no signs of any infection occurring in the school,” and none of the affected students said they would return to class upon resumption.
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