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Suppress sugar -like drinks for health and economic benefits

Suppress sugar -like drinks for health and economic benefits



Frequent or regular consumption of rich drinks is defined as drinking 1-2 cans per day, and these drinks are reported to be the top calories in the United States alone.1-3 There is a lot of excessive sugar intake, and two cups of sugar a week are related to the harm of the heart.4 However, the side effects are more than this negative health.

According to CDC, frequent consumption of drinks such as sugar can be accused of impairing health results, including the following. obesity Weight gain; type 2 Diabetes; Cavities and hollow; gout, the most common form Inflammatory arthritis It can lead to severe pain and chronic sustainable diseases. and heart,, kidneyand Non -alcohol liver disease.5

Daily sugar consumption guidance suggests that both men and women keep additives at a low level. These upper limits are located in 6 teaspoons, which are sugar per day, and 9 teaspoons for men.1,4,6 This is equivalent to 100 calories and 150 calories, 25.2 g and 37.8 g sugar, an average of 4.2 g per teaspoon.2,6

The trickle -down effect of sugar -like beverages is worth noting, and both economic and impact on public health represent signed shares in health care systems. These effects are direct through medical expenses and deteriorated health results, indirectly through productivity loss.

Health results and impact on drinking tax

One of the biggest adverse effects of excessive sugar consumption via sugar, such as soda, fruit drinks, juice, sports drinks, energy drinks, flavorful water, coffee, or tea. It is a chronic inflammation. Even if an individual has earned a 150 -minute recommended amount of mid -weekly exercise.4,7,8

Inflammation is the main component of the body's immune response, which may last for a few days or a chronic continuation for several months or several years.9 Symptoms often depend on illness, but pain and fatigue are common. In addition, chronic inflammation is often the result of exposure to diets containing excessive sugar, and even in disturbed intestines related to increasing the accumulation of major arteries such as coronary arteries and brain arteries. 。4

According to CDCs, frequent consumption of sugar -like drinks is related to harmful health results, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, non -alcoholic liver disease, and gout. | Image Credit: ©


In the area of ​​the risk of cardiovascular diseases, the intake of excessive sugar is not only weight gain, but also linked to higher levels of blood sugar and insulin, and then increases blood sugar load.3 Or how much will affect blood sugar levels when the amount of carbohydrates consumed?10 In the case of heart disease, both men and women, who have only one sugar drink a day, have heart attacks and myocardial infarction compared to individuals who do not consume such drinks. I'm dying.1

Experts increase the possibility of obesity, consuming more than one cup of sugar drinks a day, and the calories contained in it are mainly the body that does not reduce calorie intake from other sources. Note that the result is derived, and this result is seen regardless of income or ethnicity.

According to a survey published in 2023, the impact of $ 0.01 $ 0 perce, called “soda tax” implemented in Auckland, California, and the effects on sugar beverages and the data of Ros Angeles and the data of the city. I compared to. In California, there is no such tax.11,12 This study revealed that Auckland consumption has dropped significantly by 26.8 % over two years (July 1 to December 31, 2017), which affects consumers' behavior. It was suggested that it could affect the decrease in high sugar drink intake. Considering the benefits of public health, researchers have an increase in life with 94 quality adjusted taxes for each of 10,000 residents, increasing the life of life and improving the overall quality of life. I discovered that it may be reflected.

In addition, investigators have a similar tax policy in other fields, contributing to more than $ 100,000 to reduce healthcare -related costs by reducing the amount of drink consumption with sugar. He stated that he estimated that he emphasized the advantages. The important thing is that consumers buy non -access sweet drinks elsewhere, or to increase their sweet snack intake to compensate for reducing sugar intake in other places. He did not show evidence that he tried to avoid tax.

The results of last year's survey, which were built based on these results, show further improved results and extended survey areas, including five major cities in Colorado, Colorado. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Seattle, Washington. Auckland and San Francisco, California.13,14 At the same time, 33 % of the drinks of sugar were seen, and the purchase of these beverages was reduced by 33 %.

I'm looking forward to it

Evidence that ties sweet drinks to chronic diseases and the increased harmful health of health emphasizes the need for effective public health intervention. Purchase taxes and other policies have demonstrated the successful success in reducing intake, improving the transit to health, and reducing related medical expenses. Continuous research is essential for evaluating long -term profits and potential improvements. Eventually, dealing with excessive sugar consumption through policies and education can lead to a more healthy population and a sustainable healthcare system.


1. Sweet drink. Science center for public interests. Updated July 20, 2023. Access on January 27, 2025.

2. Sweet drink. Nutrition source. Access on January 27, 2025.

3. Pachecols, tobias DK, LI P, sugar processing or artificially sweet drinks, physical activity, and cardiovascular diseases risk: positive cohort research. AM J Clin Nutr。 2024; 119 (3): 669-681. Doi: 10.1016/J.AJCNUT.2024.01.001

4. Vogel K. Drinking two drinks like soda -like drinks like soda can harm the heart health. MedicalNewstoday. March 7, 2024. Access on January 27, 2025.

5. Acquire facts: Drinks and consumed sugar. CDC. Access on January 27, 2025.

6. How much sugar is there? American Heart Association. Access on January 27, 2025. melt/sugar/how-sugar-too-much

7. Laskowskier. Health lifestyle/fitness: How much do you exercise every day for average adults? Mei York Linic. Access on January 27, 2025.

8. Adult activity: Overview. CDC. December 20, 2023. Access on January 27, 2025.

9. Fermann A. Everything you need to know about inflammation. MedicalNewstoday. December 11, 2023. Access on January 27, 2025. symptoms

10. Explained blood sugar load: definition, formula, advantages, and examples. Glicemic index guide. Access on January 27, 2025. Load/

11. THIBOONBOON K, De ABREU LOURENCO, Cronin P, KHOO T, GOODALL S. obeseed Sugar Sugar Sweet Drinks (SSB) A review to identify methodology. Health policy。 2024; 144: 105076. Doi: 10.1016/J.HealthPol.2024.105076

12. Bertholdj. Sugary Drink Tax improves your health and reduces medical expenses. UC Berkeley/Berkeley public health. April 21, 2023. Access on January 28, 2025.

13. PROULXE. Taxes for drinks that have been sugar can reduce consumption. UC Berkeley/Berkeley public health. January 4, 2024. Access on January 28, 2025.

14. Kaplans, White JS, Madsen Ka, BASU S, Villas-Boas SB, Schillinger D. Evaluation of price and purchase change after implementing sugar-processing drinks in the United States. Jamahels Forum。 2024; 2: 10.1001/JAMAHEALTHFORUM.2023.4737




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