How people with eating disorders are adversely affected by the calories of the menu
![How people with eating disorders are adversely affected by the calories of the menu How people with eating disorders are adversely affected by the calories of the menu](
If you have recently been to a restaurant or cafe, you may have noticed that calorie information is displayed on the menu of each item. This is one of the so -called “outside home” nutritional labels, and refers to the fact that foods and drinks purchased outside the house have not yet been packed. To lower the obesity level, we have introduced some of these types of menu labels.
Spotting the menu label will differ in the reaction of various people. Some people don't pay much attention, while others use information to choose an order.
One time Recent evidence The fact that such labels lead to a slight reduction in the selected calories are concerned about the impact of these labels. People with eating disorders。 Recently reviewed All available research on how the menu label affects people with eating disorders has mainly found evidence of adverse effects.
Eating disorder is so Serious mental illness。 General symptoms include restricting food intake and being absorbed in thinking about weight. When thinking about menu labels, these symptoms are worried.
In the review of existing evidencePeople with eating disorders felt as if they were ordered to reduce what they eat, and said they felt that labels had strengthened their beliefs about overeating. Those who have a symptom of eating disorders have stated that they are likely to notice the menu label and change their behavior based on seeing the menu label compared to those who have no symptoms.
People with eating disorders also said that their eyes were depicted in calorie information about the menu. And this is supported by Evidence from gaze tracking research。
However, choosing a meal is not the only aspect of eating out. Going to restaurants and cafes is a social experience for many people. It's fun to interact with friends and family. How to celebrate a special opportunity.
However, for those with eating disorders, eating out can be difficult and miserable. The menu label can make this more complicated. In our reviews, some menu labels have shown that they can think of eating disorders and lead to pain, but these labels can be free and relieved.
Concerns that are common in anti -obese policies such as menu labels are focusing on weight or calorie intake as a single indicator of health. Physical health is much more complicated than it can be measured with a single indicator.
This simplification can make messaging easier, but it will be easier to expose to anti -of city messaging that focuses on weight. Amplify harmful stereotypes We equate thinness with health. Such beliefs not only are the danger factors of eating disorders, but also permanently the stigma surrounding the weight.
The obesity rate is rising worldwide. Governments and public health authorities are continuously looking for solutions for this trend. However, it is important for these solutions to consider potential harm to those with eating disorders.
Prevention of obesity and eating disorders Not exclusive to each other。 In fact, many things that help prevent obesity can also help prevent eating disorders. These are included Reduction of weight stigma,, Improvement of body imageand Increase in family meals。
The menu label represents a policy that provides information and is responsible for changing behavior. However, this type of strategy may have negative side effects. For some people, it may help to eat less calories, but it may be harmful to others.
Other policies, such as banning advertising, may not have this problem by changing the environment. Recent research It showed a remarkable difference in how people with eating disorders recognize these policies compared to the menu label.
I said for more than a quarter that the menu label worsens the symptoms, but about 2 % of the same things have been said to be the same for prohibiting advertisements for unhealthy foods and banning “one free of charge to buy”. It was just.
Many of the discussions on this topic focus on “people with eating disorders.” However, A is a person with an eating disorder. Various groups。
Some people mainly focus on food restrictions, while others have symptoms related to bulimia. These symptoms can also have a different effect on the menu label. Most of the research so far focuses on those who have restricted the symptoms that report the negative effects.
In our reviews, we found that a lot of research did not include people eating. These studies did not contain men with eating disorders. However, the most prominent gap was that research with young people under the age of 18 had not yet been done.
Thus, we know that menu label can harm eating disorders, but much more research is required throughout the entire age, gender, and eating disorders.
Effective public health policies are essential to deal with major social issues such as obesity. However, effective policies need to balance profits and harm.
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