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DNA's algorithm research has proved that the prediction of intestinal cancer is 90 % accurate.

DNA's algorithm research has proved that the prediction of intestinal cancer is 90 % accurate.



Dominik Hughes

Health correspondent, BBC News

grey-placeholderPA female scientists zoom in the device knob and zoom in, and check the microscope with the lab.PA

Studies show that new methods for detecting intestinal cancer are more than 90 % accurate in predicting which high -risk people develop illness.

Approximately 500,000 people in the UK live with inflammatory intestinal diseases (IBD), which contain clones and ulcerative colitis.

Currently, they are providing regular checks for growth before the intestinal cancer, and have shown a 30 % probability of intestinal cancer for 10 years if detected.

However, in British research, if it is analyzed by algorithm, the change in the DNA of these pre -cancer cells is more than 90 % more accurate in predicting who will develop intestinal cancer in the next five years. I understand that there is.

Researchers have used IBD's organizational samples, but they are expected to develop simple blood tests using that method to expose these IBD patients the most.

grey-placeholderCraig Foster Craig Foster and his wife, Fariba, are sitting side by side, both are smiling directly on the camera. They are wisely dressed for something that looks like a wedding. Fariba has brown hair with the length of the shoulder.Craig Foster

Craig Foster's wife, Fariba, died of intestinal cancer last year

“Such a study will save lives,” said Craig Foster, a Hanz Water Rubil, whose wife, Fariba, died of intestinal cancer in February 2024.

Fariba lived in ulcerative colitis since the age of 18 when three -quarters of the intestines were removed.

“Know that scientists are working at the moment and give comfort.

“Fariba died just six months after being diagnosed.

“It was a short time, but it was the worst time.

“Cancer does not take prisoners, and it doesn't matter that everyone is affected by who you are and what life of your life is.”

grey-placeholderProfessor Graham of the Cancer Institute is standing in a laboratory environment in front of a shelf full of bottles and boxes. He looks at the camera directly, wears white coats and glasses, and has hairInstitute of Cancer

Professor Trevor Graham says that a new test should be useful for identifying high -risk people and resting the hearts of many others.

According to Professor Trevor Graham of the London Research Institute in London, “Most of the ulcerative colitis or clone disease people do not develop intestinal cancer.

“However, there are several severe decisions for those who have these conditions and have signed signs of pre -cancer in their colon.

“We are hoping not to have cancer, and we are removing the intestines to guarantee that we are monitoring regularly or not cancer in the future.

“These options are not particularly comfortable.

“Our tests and algorithms give the people with IBD and the doctors who care about them the best information as possible so that they can make the right decision on how to manage the risk of cancer. “

“Very exciting”

Marianne RadCliffe of Charity Crohn's & Colitis UK stated that this is a really positive news for those who live with the conditions.

“One of the most difficult things to live with clones and colitis is uncertain in everyday life and long term.

“I know that as well as inflammatory intestinal disease, the better the cancer discovered early.

“Everything that is faster and invasive diagnostic tests that enable detection as soon as possible is very exciting to delete some of the inaccuracy.”

“Focus resource”

Dr. Iain Foulkes of Cancer Research UK, who provided funds for research, says that technological progress has reconstructed the understanding of cancer and other diseases.

“Genomic sequence is cheaper and widespread than ever before, and we have changed the way of cancer,” he said.

“To get a complete reading of a tumor DNA, you can see a much larger picture about how someone's cancer has begun and how it can change over time. It means what you can.

“With this study, we can focus on treating really risky IBD and saving medical services valuable time and money.

“We can also give people with low -risk peace and remove the fear of intestinal cancer in the future.”




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