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Kennedy faces a strict question about vaccine views in HHS confirmation hearing.

Kennedy faces a strict question about vaccine views in HHS confirmation hearing.



Robert F. Kennedy Jr. faced a fierce interrogation from US Diet today in the first two of the two confirmation hearing nominated as a secretary of the Health and Welfare (HHS).

Many of the questions raised by members of the Senate Finance Committee focused on Kennedy Long history Relationship with anti -vaccine statements and positions, and anti -vaccine groups such as the child's defense fund.

A few weeks before the hearing, Kennedy tried to keep him away from those statements, and he said he would not take the vaccine. But many public health experts suggest that there is. There is a lot of things he can do As an HHS secretary that restricts vaccine programs, it restricts funds for vaccine research, which impairs American vaccine, especially for children.

“The receipt indicates that Kennedy has accepting conspiracy theory, Quacks, and Charlatans, especially in vaccines,” said Ron Wyden (D-Or), a ranking member. I mentioned. “He made SO on doubt, and made his parents a vaccine to save their lives.”

Kennedy focuses on chronic health

In his opening statement, Kennedy tries to rest some of these concerns and competes with previous reports, he is not an anti -vaccine but a “proventy”, and the US medical institution is transparent. , I want to support “gold standard science”. “”

“I think vaccines play an important role in healthcare. All my children have been vaccinated,” Kennedy said. But he did not leave his history completely.

“In my advocacy, I often hindered the status quo by asking unpleasant questions, but I don't intend to apologize for it,” he added.

Kennedy says he wants to focus on focusing on what he calls the trend of chronic disease in the United States. This was a major platform in his presidential election before he dropped out of the race and supported Donald Trump at the time. He suggests that more healthy diets and exercises can play an important role in preventing some chronic diseases, and very much in the food, agricultural industry, pharmaceutical companies, and healthcare industry. It suggests that it is critical.

In his opening statement, Kennedy emphasized these themes and pointed out that the United States spent more healthy care than any other country, but had worse results. He reversed the trend of chronic diseases and promised to “return the people to health.”

“The overall health of Americans is in a serious state,” Kennedy said. Note that more than 70 % of American adults, including 30 % of children, are overweight or obese, and the incidence of diabetes, cancer, and autoimmune diseases has increased significantly. Recently several decades. “President Trump has promised to recover the global power of the United States and recover American dreams, but he cannot become a strong country when we are very sick. I understand.

As a candidate who supervises 13 operating departments and operates a department that supervises the budget of $ 1.8 trillion, Kennedy has a wide range of topics on medical reform, drug price, abortion, drug abandonation, addiction services, mental health. I was asked about the opinion. And agriculture.

The Republican members of the committee, which were mainly questioned about nutrition, chronic diseases, medical and medicade reforms, seemed to support Kennedy.

“I think you're a person who led HHS to make the United States healthy again … and I'm looking forward to your confirmation,” said Senator Roger Marshall (R-Ks).

Anti -vaccine view spotlight

However, the Democratic Party of the Committee has repeatedly returned to Kennedy's 20 -year anti -vaccine statement. Rolling stone He promoted the idea of ​​a childhood vaccine, especially a mumps, and a rubella (MMR) vaccine. The theory was based on 1998 Lancet After that, the study that was withdrawn. Many studies including the population of Denmark study It is published in Elderly of internal medicine In 2019, there was no evidence that MMR vaccines would increase the risk of autism.

Kennedy also made a light PAR-like remark about COVID-19 vaccines, Tell the Louisiana Congressman In 2021, the vaccine was “fatal created so far,” and submitted a petition to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). New York Times。 So was in December It has been reported A lawyer belonging to Kennedy applied to the FDA to cancel the approval of the polio vaccine currently used in the United States.

Donald Trump and RFK Junior
Gage Skidmore / Flickr CC

Kennedy quoted the comments of anti -vaccines that many podcasts for many years, Senator Widen, “Are you lying to the parliament today, or did you lie to all the podcasts? I asked.

“Senator, I support measles vaccines and support polio vaccines. I don't do anything as a secretary of HHS that makes it difficult or think about people taking vaccines,” says Kennedy. I did it. He later added that he wanted only “good science”.

Kennedy also asked about his role Occurrence of measles In Samoa, it is mainly accused of a child under the age of 5 and has died of 83, and has been accused of a low -hemp vaccination rate. Report by NBC News Other outlets also show that Kennedy had met Samoa's anti -vaccine in the crisis. However, in response to questions from Senator Widen and Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Ma), Kennedy said he had arrived in Samoa after a decline in vaccination.

“Your expression of what happened in Samoa is wrong,” Kennedy said. “No Samoans were found,” I didn't take the vaccine for Bobby Kennedy. ” “”

Criticism of health agencies

Another question lines focused on Kennedy's past criticism of government agencies. This will supervise many of the government agencies that are supervised as HHS secretary, including the Disease Control Prevention Center (CDC), FDA, and the National Institute of Health (NIH).

in November 2023 Speech Kennedy told the anti -vaccine that the selected president would take a break from research on infections for eight years. Senator Maria Kantwell (D-WA) stated that recent comments were made on dismissal of 600 NIH employees when confirmed.

“Do you know how harmful to public health?”

“Because it was a major prejudice, he said he would give a break to the infectious disease,” Kennedy said. “Chronic diseases account for 92 % of the death of this country, but money will be infectious.”

In response to questions about CDC from Senator Rafael, Kennedy agreed that CDC work was indispensable and rejected. comment Compare CDC's child prevention program work with the Catholic Church's Nazi Death Camp and sexual abuse.

“I support CDC,” Kennedy said. “My job is not to dismantle or harm CDCs. My job is to give scientists power if I have the privilege I confirm.”

However, Kennedy also stated that Americans were skeptical of US health agencies after COVID-19 pandemic and dealt with the problem through “rapid transparency.”

“The reason why people did not trust the public health agency was because they were unreliable,” he said.

Kennedy's nomination hearing is happening in a new voting indicating that American religion for government health agencies has been eroding from the beginning of pandemic. The latest public opinion polls From Kaiser Family Foundation, the CDC appropriate recommendations have decreased from 66 % in June 2023 to 61 %, and the trust of FDA has decreased to 66 %, with the trust of “fair” or “fair amount”. The percentage of people who said was fell from 65 % to 53 %.

However, only 43 % of respondents in the polls said they would trust Kennedy to create correct recommendations. The survey also found that 83 % of Americans support school vaccination requirements.

Inconsistent statement

Some healthy experts have agreed to some of Kennedy's views on chronic diseases, diets, medical expenses and results, but his 20 -year anti -Waksin defenders has been from the medical community. A wide range of opposition to the nomination of. a letter The committee has been signed by more than 15,000 doctors by the Senator to protect medical care that encourages the nomination to oppose the nomination.

“RFK Jr. has a sufficiently documented history of spreading dangerous fake information in the intervention of vaccine and public health, has not been protected by the vulnerable community, and is at risk of millions of lives. “The letter says. “His appointment is a direct threat to the safety of our patients and the general public.”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Gage Skidmore / Flickr CC

However, during the hearing, Kennedy repeatedly disagree with his anti -vaccine statements, and he did not make a statement or was incorrectly characterized by it. I suggested that. He also denied that he was a conspiracy theorist.

“It's a light JOR -like, which is mainly applied to me, and mainly to prevent I from asking a strong interest in questions,” he said.

The Democratic Party member of the committee denies Kennedy's documented statement and denial of the position of the shift, and has a different problem that his current view is different from his previous position. It was an example of the reason why it should not be. That emotion is Dr. Michael Osterholm, MPH, MPH, The latest episode OsterHolm Update Podcast. Ostarholm pointed out that Kennedy's denial was a refusal to the course, and allegedly what he said in a confirmation hearing was reliable.

“I don't believe what he says,” said Osterholm. “Looking at his achievements, he is inconsistent with all issues related to public health.”

Kennedy will hold another hearing before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pension. The members of the two committees vote for whether or not they will be nominated.




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