Acoast Full Idix that promotes cancer diagnosis

A new system using the sound wave on the standing surface can effectively and accurately separate circulating tumor cells from red blood cells. According to new research published by kouhkord and naserifar Liquid physics。
In 2020, the cancer died nearly 10 million in 2020, 17 % of all deaths around the world. The timely cancer diagnosis is one of the most impressive medical goals, as the detection of abnormal illness cell growth is often too slow.
Recent research focuses on detection of circulating tumor cells in peripheral blood and functions as a non -invasive marker to notify the diagnosis. Researchers face the task of separating target cells that can be controlled to find out. The conventional method usually requires elaborate sample preparation, substantial equipment, and a large amount of sample. However, even with these strategies, it is difficult to efficiently separate target cells.
Research method and result
Researchers have developed a new platform designed to integrate advanced calculation modeling, analysis, and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to analyze complex acoustic fluid phenomena.
“Machine learning algorithms, data -driven modeling and calculation data have been finely adjusted for the optimal recovery rate and cell separation rate.” Naser Naserifar, MS, PHDKN TOOSI Institute of Technology in Tehran, Iran. “Our system will achieve 100 % recovery under optimal conditions if energy consumption decreases significantly by accurately controlling acoustic pressure and flow rate,” he emphasized.
Various methods for concentrating particles via a micro fluid have emerged, but those that use Accorst Full Idix are biological compatible, generated altitude in the MPA pressure range, and have cell scale. It shows potential potential to generate wavelengths.
Researchers have developed a new platform using double -pressure acoustics, doubled the impact on target cells, and strategically placed in the important channel -meter position of the lithium of the nebate substrate. The acoustic pressure applied to the micro channel provides the system design to generate a reliable dataset that indicates the time and orbital pattern of cells.
“We have created an advanced lab -on chip platform that has high energy efficiency in real time and enables extremely accurate cell separation.” AFSH KOUHKORD, Master's degreeKn TOOSI Institute of Technology. “Technology promises to improve [circulating tumor cell] Faster, more effective separation efficiency and new possibilities for cancer diagnosis. It also opens a microcellanial path and applies AI to individualized medicine and cancer diagnosis. “
Disclosure: Please visit the complete disclosure of the research author。
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