Federal health agencies delete data from the website: shot

CDC and other health organizations web pages were down on Friday.
Will Stone/NPR
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Will Stone/NPR
According to the Trump administration's instructions, the Ministry of Health and Welfare and its institutions have deleted a wide range of topics and data websites, from adolescent health to LGBTQ+rights.
Some web page From the center for disease management and prevention reference LGBTQ+health was no longer available. a page It is no longer Friday from the HHS office for civil rights, which outlines the rights of LGBTQ+people in the LGBTQ+medical environment. National Institute of Health Research Institute for Sexual & Gender Minority Research Office Disappeared。 (Most of these pages are not yet Internet archive。 )
Changes between CDC and NIH are examples of the Trump administration's promotion of gender issues based on the presidential order of the title.Defense women from the extreme gender ideology and restore biological truth to the federal government“The order will stop providing gender identity as the government's government's government's choice, and to end the provision of” Gender ideology “.
Another orderTrump signed, and the entire federal government is aiming for “diversity, fairness, inclusiveness”.
However, on Friday, many pages that seemed to be not related to “gender” or “diversity” were also deleted. AtlasplusInteractive tools from CDCs with HIV, viral hepatitis, STDS, and tuberculosis monitoring data. In addition, there is no missing page: Page with basic information HIV test。 CDC social vulnerability indexA tool that evaluates the resilience of the community in the event of a natural disaster has also been deleted.
“Deleting HIV and LGBTQ -related resources from the website of the Disease Management Prevention Center and other health institutions, the scientific information and the scientific information and data to monitor and respond to the occurrence of disease. I am deeply concerned, “the American Disease Association stated in a statement. “Access to this information is important for infectious diseases and HIV healthcare experts who take care of HIV people and members of the LGBTQ community, and are important to end the HIV epidemic.”
There is no data on adolescent health
One of the impressive examples of disappearance information: CDC has reduced the website that accommodates the collected data. Japan's largest monitoring program About high school students' health -related actions.
Pages related to the adolescent and school health category of CDCs that manage the program were not available.
Youth risk behavior monitoring systems track important indicators on nutrition, physical activity, tobacco, drug use, sexual behavior, and other fields. The program was created 35 years ago and includes a nationwide survey that researchers depend on how researchers will affect health and design precautionary measures.
“It's a way for the country to understand adolescent health.” Steven RussellA sociologist at the University of Texas University Austin School studying adolescent health. “The loss of the data is wonderful.”
The CDC did not respond to a comment request for the reason why the website was offline and whether the action was temporary.
However, those who have knowledge of decisions say that the staff of the agency must defeat the website -this includes many other health status data. Become a compliance President Trump's “Defense Woman” Presidential Order.
According to the order, the institution states, “We should take prompt measures to end all organizations programs that promote or reflect gender ideology using taxpayers' money. According to the order, the agency states that “all the out -of -the -counter media (websites, social media accounts, etc.) that teach or advertise gender ideologies (such as websites, social media accounts, etc.). The deadline for the action is 5:00 pm on Friday. is.
especially, The latest survey For the first time, I asked a student about “transgender identity”. The survey revealed that 3 % of high school students were self -identified as transgender, and 2 % were “unknown.”
Published research in the past few years including overview of the survey results Looks like it is available With CDC archive Effect rate and mortality rate Every week。
Researchers are worried about the future of their teens
However, with the deletion of the website and the accompanying data, researchers are wondering what the program itself will be.
“”I'm going to quote some of the latest data on mental health today. ” Bonnie Halpan FelshireStanford University development psychologist, “”But is this bigger than only the website is down? Are they stopping data collection? Are they stopping the report? “
The survey results form a way for schools and communities to determine the program based on evidence.
Russell is a surprising increase in the percentage of young people who reports depression and self -harm, such as depression or suicide, in the survey.
“Therefore, even if these data disappears, there is no information about what is happening to the children,” he says.
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