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41 States of the United States have “high” or “very high” influenza activities

41 States of the United States have “high” or “very high” influenza activities



41 States of the United States have “high” or “very high” influenza activities and display the latest CDC data.

Jason Ozbourne Close -up at 10:00 am on Sunday. New Hampshire's health authorities say that, as we have reported, five people have died of influenza this season. As you probably noticed in your daily life, the state is watching not only this winter but also a number of respiratory diseases. So we asked Dr. Michael Calderwood to participate in to talk about maintaining health. Doctor, I'm happy to meet you as usual. We received a lot of questions of viewers who wanted to be right. First of all, what is the best way to maintain hydration today when there is a stomach bug today? I want to hear your reaction to it. So, as you know, the most important thing is actually catching up with water. If you have sufficient diarrhea and vomiting, you may need to replace electrolyte. Therefore, things such as Pedialyte are very useful. You can also get them at regular CVs and other pharmacies. Okay. Lisa is asking, is it okay to exercise if you catch a cold? Therefore, what you want to think is how to expose others. And if you're talking about exercising at home, it's okay unless you're overdoing it. You don't want to go to the gym that may spread the infection to others. It makes sense. Dr. Kate is interested in the new RSV vaccine and the antibody shot released last season. Do you want to bring a new access to these differences in the number of cases we are looking at, or to make a difference in the severe cases you've seen this season? Do we still know that? So you can see that RSV cases are increasing by 20 % this season. In fact, I imagine that it would have been much higher if many people did not get vaccinated. I think there are many people who have never come out before to receive qualified vaccinations. And Maria asks this when she says this, how can you tell if you have a norovirus rather than some other GI issues? Is there a way to distinguish this? Therefore, norovirus tends to be quite serious. Therefore, the people who run it in the family are actively vomiting and have diarrhea at the same time. It lasts for about 48 hours, and then tends to solve itself. Therefore, this is not your typical loose defecation. It's pretty violent. And many families who have suffered this during their vacation in recent weeks are memorable. Yes, it's not interesting at all. I wanted to ask you for that purpose. How can we tell whether influenza vs. COVID vs RSV vs. us are listening from China? How do you distinguish it? Is there a way to convey, does it make a difference in people? As you know, there are many panels that can be tested and help you see it. And if you know, if I look back on the numbers, we actually have a very low Covid 19 activity so far. It went up a little in December. We are quite expensive. We actually have a very high RSV in the case of influenza A, increasing many viruses such as colds, rhinoceros, and other collonaviruses that do not cause COVID 19. I am doing it. And they all hit at the same time. As you know, if you are very sick, it is important to enter because we are being treated. If you have a really bad flu, we can give you Tamiflu and other medicines. Therefore, testing can help you connect you with a good precaution. Okay. Dr. Calderwood, I'm really grateful for your time today. I know you are very busy

41 States of the United States have “high” or “very high” influenza activities and display the latest CDC data.

Influenza activity is higher than all seasons, according to the data of the center center Fordianship control and prevention of influenza reports, than all seasons. 14 states have the latest data that tracks the virus throughout the week ending on January 25. In 2024-2025, at least 20 million influenza disease, 250,000 hospitalization, 11,000 deaths. The influenza season that started early in October. In total, 47 child deaths have been reported for the flu -there are 16 people from the recently reported week. “Very high” influenza activity level. The exception is the Vermont that reports that CDC has “insufficient data”. This is the worst week of this influenza season, and all states and DCs have experienced “very high” influenza activities. 。 According to CDC Data, the influenza season is the most peak in February. Health experts say it's not too late to get influenza shots. As the influenza virus continues to circulate, people can still benefit from receiving vaccination. You Can Find Vaccination Locations Near You on JT3AW5KB3CUYWRKRXZLBNRMAXN0ZW5LCIGIBWVZC2FNZSISKGZ1BMN0AW9UKGUPE2LMKHZVAWQGMCE9PWUZGF0YVSIZGF0YVSIZGF0YXDYYXBWzxvpz2H0IL0IL0IL0IL0IL0IL0IL0IL0IL0IL0IL0IL0IL0IL0IL0IL0IL0IL0IL0IL0IL0IL0IL ZHCIB0PWRVY3VTZW50LNF1ZXJ5U2VSZWN0B3Jbbgwoimlmcmftzsipo2yXIGYSBPBIMRHDGVYLWHLWHLODKWZVCIHXIGCIHXIGCIGIGIGCIGIGIGCIHxigc J0WO3I8DC5SZW5NDGG7CISRKXTPZIH0W3JDLMNVBNRLXAW5KB3C9PT3CW3JDLNN0EWXLAWDOD1LLMRHDGHDHDGVYLWHL AWDODCJDW2FDKYJWECJ9FX0PKTS8L3NJCMLWDD4 =

Influenza activity is higher than all seasons nationwide, according to data on the center center Fordianship control and prevention of influenza reports.

CDC classifies 27 states and Washington DC, classifies the activity level of “very high” influenza, and classifies 14 states as “high” influenza activity level in the latest data. I tracked the virus until the end of the 25th.

During the influenza season from 2024 to 2025, which began early in October, there were at least 20 million influenza disease, 250,000 hospitalization, and 11,000 deaths. In total, 47 child deaths have been reported for influenza. There are 16 people only from the recent week.

Every week, the CDC monitors the visit of a doctor for illness, such as influenza, and labels each state on a scale from the “minimum” to the “very high” influenza activity level. The exception is Vermont, and CDC reports that it has “insufficient data”.

This is the worst week of this influenza season, and more than half of all states and DCs have experienced “very high” influenza activities.

Influenza season is mostly peaked in February, according to CDC data.

Health experts say that it is not too late to get influenza shots. This is recommended by CDC to everyone over 6 months. As the influenza virus continues to circulate, people can still benefit from receiving vaccination. You can find a vaccination place near you




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