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Local Lockdown Risk-Is the Covid-19 Case in Your Area Rising or Falling?


In June, Leicester became the first city to be subject to local lockdown after public health officials warned about the number of countries COVID-19 Case In the city.

And to avoid being the next place to be blocked, Public health authorities in Blackburn have introduced new measures Earlier this month, the number of cases continued to increase, slowing down the virus.

On July 30, Boris Johnson Partial blockade in northern England When he warned about the “damaging second wave” that hit Britain.

Hundreds of thousands of people in Greater Manchester, Bradford, Blackburn and elsewhere have been banned from holding indoor meetings with people from different households.

The NHS data came after coronaviruses have reached worrisome levels in parts of Lancashire and Yorkshire and came after the Prime Minister urged them to take “immediate action” to keep people safe.

People from various households were prohibited from meeting indoors in Greater Manchester in Durburn, Burnley, Hydeburn, Pendleton, Rossendale, Bradford, Kirklees, Calderdale and Blackburn.

And Oldham could be the next line to tighten regulations to strengthen efforts to contain the virus-with the highest infection rate in the country.

Katrina Stevens, director of public health at the Oldham Council, said a complete blockade could take place “in days, not weeks,” if people don’t follow the rules.

Two weeks ago the new limits were set in the Borough. That is, meeting at home is prohibited.

Despite measures covering Greater Manchester, the coronavirus continues to spread, with 255 new cases recorded last week.

According to the latest data from the British Public Health Service, the prevalence rate in five local governments (Pendle, Bradford, Oldham, Blackburn, Leicester) during the week to August 10 exceeded 50 per 100,000. I am.

The sharp rise in Oldham and Pendle cases means the highest weekly infection rates in the UK, with 106.7 and 85.8, respectively, reaching 100,000.

On August 5, Scottish Prime Minister Nikola Sturgeon announced that blockade restrictions would be imposed again in Aberdeen following a series of new events. Bars, restaurants and cafes were ordered to close after 54 cases were reported in the outbreak. Five-mile travel rules have been enacted and residents are told not to enter each other’s homes.

According to the latest Scotland infection data-a week to 10 August-the incidence of new cases per 100,000 in the Grampia region has risen from 6.1 to 31.8.

Highest infection rate

Boris Johnson Lockdown As a measure of “last resort,” we set “5 key components” to tackle “potential new outbreaks,” “monitoring, involvement, testing, targeted restriction,” and finally lockdown. I will.

At a Downing Street press conference in July, he warned that the local blockade would remain “a feature of our lives for some time.”

read more: Boris Johnson’s “roadmap” returns to “normal”

The Lester blockade occurred when the infection rate was three times higher than any other UK municipality, exceeding 130 per 100,000 weekly.

Since then, according to the latest data from the British Public Health Service for seven days until August 10, the incidence has dropped to 66.9 cases per 100,000 people per week.

But this trend is rising again in Leicester, rising from 53.1 cases per 100,000 a week to August 3.

Use Telegraph’s interactive zip code tool below to see if incidents are increasing in your area.


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