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U.S. flu cases have peaked for the second time this season. Now you can test for viruses at home

U.S. flu cases have peaked for the second time this season. Now you can test for viruses at home



The US has peaked for the second time this season with the flu. After FLL doctors' consultations permeated earlier this year, they jumped past the peak of the previous season at the end of last month with a 30% test positivity rate. Once RSV and flu are back in school, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that there will be at least 20 million cases and 11,000 influenza deaths this season. Hospitalizations are also on the rise, with an estimated 38,255 hospitalizations from the flu in the last week alone. It is also not the only disease that spreads: wastewater testing also shows high levels of the virus that causes Covid-19 nationwide. : A storefront test that can identify whether the illness is Covid-19 or the flu. Tests allow most pharmacies or online to purchase, allowing patients to learn what can get sick without having to make an appointment in a clinic or in line. The test doesn't check for all respiratory viruses, but it marks the first time that the public can test the flu at home. The tests use self-collected nose swabs, depending on the type of test, and the results are ready within 15-30 minutes. One test, HealGen, has been approved for marketing other than emergency use. It uses the most rapid antigenic technology. This means that the test can identify a particular component of the virus and alert the user that the component is present. It functions through RT-LAMP technology, which detects the genetic material of a virus and amplifies it for identification. If you have symptoms but test negative for influenza or COVID-19, if you have a different infection, you may be able to get a false positive result, whether you are tested too early or have a false positive result. there is. The CDC Guidance says it will take additional precautions and call healthcare providers for care. Basic health. Sarah Norsal, a primary care physician in the Bronx, New York, emphasizes the importance of quarantine to stop the spread of illness. in the home or in the community with that individual. …It's really about helping prevent other exposures and basics of caring for you,” she said. Home testing may help patients get treatment faster. William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, says his emergency department is currently full of people with respiratory infections, with the majority of them sick from the flu. Morning” or “I don’t want to bother the doctors” and we postponed contact with the health care system,” Schaffner said. “And of course, when we come into contact, it will be two days later and treatment will be somewhat less effective. The distinction between influenza and Covid-19 is also when determining treatment and managing symptom expectations. It may be important. According to the CDC, COVID-19 can cause more serious illnesses in certain cases. Patients testing for Covid-19 may also have a risk of long-term presence. There are. Both viruses have different antiviral treatment options. Most people get better in a few days without drugs, but according to the CDC., such as Tamiflu or Paxlovid within the first two days of symptoms Antivirals are more effective. A professor of biomedical diagnostic practice at Arizona State University says she saw these combo tests at all the pharmacies she participated in this season. And… for adoption It'll take a while,” she said. Test purchases have increased over the past few months. , As the number of flu cases continues to rise, experts are worried about whether people will use them. This is because commercial Covid-FLU tests are not covered by insurance. Walgreens sells the lowest cost brand for $30 per pack, with prices similar at other pharmacies. “I think it's a big barrier right now. I hope that barriers to health care will continue to be pulled down as a tool normally used by healthcare providers, as well as a tool that can be used while sitting in bed.” He said.

The US has peaked for the second time this season with the flu. After seeing liquid doctors earlier this year, they jumped past the peak of the previous season at the end of last month with a 30% test positivity rate.

Related Videos above: Doctors Warn when Covid, RSV and flu get back to school

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States It estimates that there have been at least 20 million cases and 11,000 deaths from the flu this season. Hospitalizations are also on the rise, with an estimated 38,255 hospitalizations from the flu in the last week alone. It is also not the only disease that spreads. Wastewater testing also shows high levels of viruses that cause Covid-19 nationwide, well above the levels seen in the early winter.

However, there are some new tools to help with this respiratory virus season. In-store test This can identify whether the disease is Covid-19 or the flu.

This test can be purchased at most pharmacies or online, allowing patients to learn that they are sick without having to make an appointment at the clinic or waiting in line.

The test doesn't check for all respiratory viruses, but it marks the first time that the public can test the flu at home. This test uses self-collected nose swabs and results are available within 15-30 minutes depending on the type of test.

Several companies have received emergency use permits from the US Food and Drug Administration and have brought combined testing to the market. One test, Heelgenhas been granted permission for marketing other than emergency use.

Most often, rapid antigenic technology is used. This means that tests can identify specific components of the virus and alert users that the components exist.

Another home test, Pfizer LucilleIt functions through RT-LAMP technology, which detects and amplifies the genetic material of the virus and amplifies it for identification.

What to do if you test positive for the flu?

Although you may have symptoms, if you are testing for influenza or Covid 19 negative, you may have another infection, or you may get premature testing, or false positive results. CDC Guidance Take additional precautions and call your healthcare provider for care.

Experts say that people who test positive for Covid-19 or flu should isolate themselves as much as possible, especially if they have underlying health conditions, to protect their loved ones and stay in touch with their doctors. They say there is.

Dr. Sarah Nosal, a primary care physician in the Bronx, New York, emphasizes the importance of quarantine to stop the spread of illness.

“I'm a family document so I usually take care of all the people who live with that same house and that individual. …It really prevents other exposures and basics of caring for you. It's about helping,” she said.

Home testing may help patients get treatment faster.

Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, says his emergency department is currently full of people with respiratory infections, with the majority of them having the flu.

“What we say is, 'Oh, I'll get better in the morning' or 'I don't want to bother the doctor.' And we postponed contact with the healthcare system,” Schaffner said. “And of course, when we come into contact, it will be two days later and the treatment will be somewhat less effective. So if the test is widely available… it motivates the patient to contact the provider previously. Maybe I can attach it.”

Differentiation of influenza and COVID-19 is also important when deciding on treatment and managing symptom expectations. Covid-19 can cause more serious illnesses, especially. CDC. Patients testing positive for Covid-19 may also have long-term risks.

Both viruses also have different antiviral treatment options. Most people get better in a few days without drugs, but antiviral drugs like Tamiflu and Paxlovid are more effective when given within the first two days of symptoms. CDC.

In the new test, “It takes time to recruit”

Mara Aspinall, a professor of biomedical diagnosis practice at Arizona State University, says he saw these combo tests at all the pharmacies he participated in this season.

“This was the first year when we were able to fully obtain all sorts of flu tests at home, and adoption takes a while,” she said.

According to Michael Mina, Chief Science Officer at Telehealth Company Emed and an expert on epidemiology, immunology and infectious disease spread, test purchases have been rising in recent months.

However, as the number of flu cases continues to rise, experts are concerned about whether people will use them.

This is because commercial COVID-FLU tests are not covered by insurance. Walgreen They sell the lowest-cost brands for $30 per pack, with prices similar at other pharmacies.

“I think that's a huge barrier right now. People really don't want to pay for it,” Mina said.

“Now we hope that barriers to health care will continue to decline as a tool normally used by health care providers. They can be used while sitting in bed,” he says. Ta.




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