How Coronaviruses Affect Children in Ohio: Five Things You Need to Know
Columbus, Ohio-Children are now at the forefront of conversations about the coronavirus pandemic, and school districts across the country are wondering whether to teach online or to teach directly as the New Year approaches. ..
The question remains. Should parents worry about their child’s health when returning to school?
Not according to President Donald Trump. Trump was recently headed by claims that children were “mostly immune” to the coronavirus.
That’s wrong, health experts say.
“When you look at a child, most of them, and I almost certainly say, are almost immune from this disease,” Trump said during the August 5 appearance.Fox and friends.. “” You don’t know how you feel about it, but they somehow have a stronger immune system than we do… and they’re not in trouble. They simply have no problems. “
But Recent report People from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children’s Hospital Association show different realities.
What the report and other data reveal about the coronavirus, and what it means for the victims of American children:
1. Children account for over 9 percent of all US coronavirus cases.
According to reports, a total of 380,174 cases were reported nationwide as of August 6. At that time, a total of 4159,947 cases of coronavirus were reported in the United States, with children accounting for 9.1%. In 27 states, children accounted for more than 10% of cases.
Almost all states track cases by age. According to the report, 49 states, New York City, Washington DC, Puerto Rico, and Guam all report cases of at least some COVID-19 children. New York is the only state that does not track cases by age.
The definition of “child” also varies from state to state. In some countries, the reported cutoff age is 14, while in other states people up to 24 are considered children.
2. A total of 8,572 children tested positive for coronavirus in Ohio.
Children reportedly account for almost 9% of all cases in Ohio. According to the data, 296.9 children per 100,000 in Ohio are infected with COVID-19.
3. The number of children infected with coronavirus nationwide has increased by 90% in the last 4 weeks.
As mentioned above, 380,174 children tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. This is 500 of the 100,000 children in the United States.
In fact, the number of infected children has almost doubled in the last few weeks. Between July 9 and August 6, 180,000 new cases were reported, causing a 90% surge in overall cases.
4. Hospitalization, serious illness and death associated with COVID-19 are rare in children.
Children of all ages can get sick with COVID-19. However, most infected children are usually less ill than adults, and some may not show any symptoms at all. Mayo Clinic..
The available data in the AAP report show that hospitalizations and deaths associated with COVID-19 are also rare in children. In New York City and the other 20 reporting states, children accounted for only 0.5-5.3% of total hospitalizations reported, and only 0.3-8.9% of all childhood COVID-19 cases resulted in hospitalization.
Disease-related child mortality is even more unusual. At best, children account for only 0.5% of COVID-19 deaths.
However, Racial differences According to a recent report by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, it is present in hospitalized children. Hispanic children were found to be eight times more likely to be hospitalized than white children, and black children were five times more likely to be hospitalized.
5. Some children with COVID-19 have a multisystem inflammatory syndrome in their children (MIS-C.).
According to another recent report by the CDC, about 570 children Multisystem inflammatory syndrome, Or MIS-C. Ten of those children died.
Some children with this syndrome have symptoms similar to Kawasaki disease. This is another rare childhood condition that can cause swelling and heart problems. Other symptoms include fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, neck pain, rash, red eyes, or extreme fatigue.
“The underlying problem that causes MIS-C seems to be dysfunction of the immune system,” Dr. Ermias Belay, who heads the CDC team investigating the MIS-C case, told The Associated Press. When the immune system encounters the virus, it overdrives, releasing chemicals that can damage various organs, he added.
In this study, many patients with this condition had serious complications such as heart inflammation, shock, and kidney damage. Almost two-thirds of all cases were admitted to the intensive care unit, with an average length of stay in the ICU of 5 days.
Racial disparities also existed in MIS-C cases, according to the CDC, which showed that nearly three-quarters of children with this syndrome were Hispanic or black.
The CDC report covers illnesses that began in mid-February to mid-July. 40 states have reported cases.
CDC encourages parents to contact their child’s doctor immediately if their child is shown Symptom Or MIS-C emergency warning sign.. Based on what the CDC knows about MIS-C, the best way to protect children is Prevent them from catching the coronavirus..
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