Cardiologists Worry Athlete That Coronavirus Causes Sudden Heart Attack In Myocarditis
Cardiologists are increasingly concerned that coronavirus infections can cause cardiac complications and lead to sudden cardiac death in athletes.
Important reasons: Even though a small percentage of COVID-19 cases lead to major cardiac conditions, the wide range of pandemics can lead to the most demanding physical activity on a regular basis, including amateurs who may be less at risk. It increases the risk to those who do it.
Driving news: Both Big 10 and Pac-12 meetings Announced this week Due to their health concerns over the COVID-19 pandemic, they didn’t play college football in the fall.
- According to ESPNThe key factor behind these decisions was the fear that COVID-19 could lead to an increase in athletes’ myocarditis.
Myocarditis Heart inflammation caused by a viral infection can cause rapid or abnormal heart rhythms or even sudden death.
- Myocarditis About 75 people die each year For young athletes aged 13 to 25, there are often no warnings. The 27-year-old, 0-year-old Boston Celtics star, Reggie Lewis, fell in practice and died shortly of myocarditis in 1993.
- The research is just beginning, July research Of 100 adult patients who recovered from German COVID-19, 60% found findings of ongoing myocarditis
- Worryingly, patients with mild COVID-19 symptoms develop myocarditis as often as those who are hospitalized, and even those who do not even know they have COVID-19 can be at risk. There is.
- This is important because myocarditis athletes must stop strenuous physical activity for weeks or months before the symptoms subside. Else, Emory University sports cardiologist Jonathan Kim says they are putting them at risk of “cardiac arrest and catastrophic consequences.”
By numbers: NCAA Chief Medical Officer Brian Heinlein Said in a press conference On Thursday, at least 12 college athletes so far were found to have myocarditis with a positive COVID-19 test.
College student athlete And professionals have the advantage that they are more often overlooked by doctors who know that the COVID-19 test is done more often and look for signs of myocarditis.
- However, most amateur athletes may be on their own, even at risk of myocarditis or sudden death if they continue to exercise violently after COVID-19 infection.
- “For high-end marathons and triathletes, [myocarditis] Kim says “Talk to your doctor or talk to a sports cardiologist before returning to training.”
- Yes, but: For those of us who are exercising to stay fit but not willing to participate in the Iron Man Triathlon, we shouldn’t worry too much.
The point: The more you learn about COVID-19, the more diverse the threat it poses. But it doesn’t seem more horrifying than the most likely sudden cardiac death possibility among us.
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