CDC loses nearly 1,300 probation employees under Trump's job offer

On Saturday, March 14th, 2020, a pedestrian wearing a protective face mask passed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Atlanta – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) sets up losing around 1,300 probation employees to 10% of the workforce as part of a broader federal decision to remove all probation employees from agents It's been done. According to the Associated Press. The move raises concerns about the potential impact on public health operations.
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What we know:
The Trump administration ordered the removal of all probation employees from the CDC, affecting about 1,300 staff at the Atlanta-based agency. These reductions represent a tenth of the CDC's total workforce, which is present in approximately 13,000 employees prior to the decision.
CDC leaders were informed of the move during a meeting with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on Friday. The order was delivered verbally, according to federal officials who attended the meeting. Officials who were not authorized to publicly discuss the decision provided details regarding the terms of anonymity.
Affected employees are expected to receive four weeks of paid administrative leave, but the timeline for which they will be officially notified of termination remains uncertain.
What does the CDC do?
With a core budget of $9.2 billion, the CDC is responsible for protecting Americans from illness outbreaks and other public health threats. The agency has long been considered a global leader in disease management and houses some of the world's top experts. Currently, over 2,000 CDC employees work in other countries, providing important public health expertise around the world.
The CDC workforce is highly educated, with 60% of its employees earning a master's or doctoral degree. However, most employees are not unionized and are particularly vulnerable to changes in federal employment.
Probation status does not only apply to new hires. Employees who have been recently promoted to administrative roles are also considered probation and may be affected by cuts.
Things we don't know:
Despite the announcement, some important details remain unknown.
- A timeline when employees are officially notified of their termination.
- A way for agents to coordinate operations in consideration of sudden losses of staff.
- Long-term impact on public health programs and the CDC's ability to respond to disease outbreaks.
Big View:
The CDC plays a key role in tracking and responding to new health threats, from infectious disease outbreaks to chronic health conditions. As the agency has already faded during the global health crisis, the removal of nearly 1,300 employees raises concerns about its ability to maintain its essential programs.
The Trump administration has framed the move as a daily workforce adjustment, but critics worry that they can lose many of their staff who can lose such a substantial portion.
Georgia's reaction
What they are saying:
the. John OssoffAnyone who has spoken before about the impact of President Trump's actions on the CDC has said that “unprotected and indiscriminate shootings” by CDC personnel exposes Americans to illness, and the world's most talented doctors and doctors. It says it will destroy the careers and livelihoods of scientists.
Earlier this week, Senator John Ossoff forced arguing for confirmation of the Senate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the Secretary of Health and Human Services, publicly comparing the CDC's work to the “Nazi Death Camp.” .
In his speech, Senator Ossov urged his Senate colleagues.
Pastor Raphael Warnock Also Posted on social media “Over 1,300 Georgia's best and brightest people have lost their jobs due to reckless attacks on public health in the Trump administration. Undoubtedly, these shootings will make Americans unsafe from a future pandemic. It means “
What's going to happen now?
What's next:
The CDC must navigate ways to handle these massive staffing reductions while continuing its mission to protect public health. Due to the uncertainty surrounding future employment policies and budget allocations, public health experts and lawmakers may scrutinise the impact of these layoffs over the coming months.
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