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The brain's opium pathways cause dessert cravings even after bloating

The brain's opium pathways cause dessert cravings even after bloating



Who wasn't there? The big meal is over, you're full, but the craving for sweets remains. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute in Cologne have discovered that what we call the “dessert stomach” is rooted in the brain. The same nerve cells that fill us up after a meal are also responsible for the subsequent cravings for sweets. In mice and humans, the “desert stomach pathway” is activated simply by perception by the release of opium β-endorphins, which sugar has evolutionarily meaning to provide rapid energy. Blocking opiate signaling in this pathway may support current and future obesity treatments.

To find the cause of “dessert stomach,” researchers investigated the mice's response to sugar and found that completely bored mice were still eating dessert. Brain investigations have shown that a group of neurons, so-called POMC neurons, are responsible for this. These neurons become active as soon as the mouse has access to sugar and promote appetite.

When mice are full and eat sugar, these neurons not only release signaling molecules that stimulate satiety, but also release one of the body's own opiates, beta-endorphins. This acts on other neurons with opiate receptors, causing a sense of reward, which causes the mouse to eat sugar beyond bloating. This opioid pathway in the brain was specifically activated when mice ate additional sugar, but not when they ate normal or fatty foods. When researchers blocked this pathway, mice refrained from eating additional sugar. This effect was observed only in complete animals. Inhibition of β-endorphin release was ineffective in hungry mice.

Interestingly, this mechanism was already activated when mice perceived sugar before eating it. Furthermore, opiates were released into the brains of mice who had never eaten sugar before. As soon as the initial sugar solution entered the mouth of the mouse, β-endorphins were released in the “dessert gastric area,” further enhancing sugar consumption.

What happens to humans?

Scientists also performed brain scans on volunteers who received sugar solutions through tubes. They discovered that the same area of ​​the brain responded to human sugar. In this region, there are many opium receptors, like mice, close to satiety neurons.

From an evolutionary perspective, this makes sense. Sugar is essentially rare, but it provides rapid energy. The brain is programmed to control intake every time sugar is available. ”

Henning Fenselau, research group leader and head of research at the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research

Related to obesity treatment

The research group's findings may also be important for treating obesity. “We already have drugs that block opiate receptors in the brain, but weight loss is less than with anorexia injections. We believe that combinations with them and other treatments are very useful. However, , we need to investigate this further,” says Fencelau.


Journal Reference:

Farooqi, S. (2025). Understand your desire for dessert. Science.




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