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Face masks that help increase acne flare, according to dermatologists


As a result of face masks, more and more people are suffering from skin problems such as acne, according to dermatologists.

Wearing a mask for an extended period of time protects against airborne bacteria but can cause recurrent acne, eczema, and dermatitis.

The skin becomes clogged, which increases the risk if the user wears dark makeup or foundation.

People with pre-existing skin conditions are also more likely to suffer due to the accumulation of sweat combined with friction and pressure.

“There is certainly an increase in acne as a result of wearing a mask,” said Dr Monagohara, an associate professor of dermatology at Yale University School of Medicine.

Atopic dermatitis is also possible, allergic or irritant dermatitis caused by the detergent from which they were washed off. The risk of “Masknet” is the result of a condition called “acne mechanica”.

“It’s friction, blockage of pores clogged by sweat, saliva, moisture, and even bacteria,” Gohara said.

She said people who are prone to acne, those with oily skin who may have been wearing masks for a long time a day, as well as adopters of poor skin care habits can suffer.

“My advice to others is to use a gentle facial cleanser, wash your face after taking off the mask, wash all the cloth masks, and not the same mask every day,” she said. Added.

“We also use the benzoyl peroxide spot treatment for active spots and gentle retinoids. Do not use scrubs or excessive exfoliation, apply a gentle barrier cream to protect your skin from rubbing.”

Dr. Vishal Madan, a consultant dermatologist at the Stratum Clinic in Manchester, added:

“Sometimes people apply vaseline around the mouth as a moisturizer, which loosens the seal between the mouth and the mask. Too much moisturizer can block pores, and more of itself. May cause spots.

“If you use too much foundation, the mask will put pressure on your skin, which means it will be absorbed by your skin and at a deeper level.”

Beauty giant L’Oréal has also acknowledged the “deep cleansing product surge” in recent months.

Jochen Zaumseil, L’Oréal’s Executive Vice President of Asia Pacific, said popular skincare brands such as La Roche Posay and Serave have experienced a “big boom”.

This includes increased demand for sheet mask cleansers.

Dr. Tanya Bleecker, Chairman of the British Dermatologists Association, advised that “the majority of people” should not encounter problems, but “heavy makeup and foundations” should be avoided.


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