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246 flu-related deaths have been reported this season

246 flu-related deaths have been reported this season



North Carolina Flu Deaths: 246 Flu-related Deaths reported this season

Michelle. thank you. As the cold weather is expected to last until the weekend, the city of Greensboro will open a White Flag Warming Centre tonight tomorrow night and Sunday night. Families can head to Glenwood Church on Glenwood Avenue from 8pm to 6:30am. Winter weather has affected Winston-Salem's garbage and recycled collection. The city says the bins picked up yesterday will be collected today. Well, if your normal garbage day is Friday, the crew will collect it. tomorrow. There is no backyard collection. It's only curbs as it can still be ice in some places. Guilford County school officials are responding to sudden changes in schedules. Some families criticized the decision yesterday to switch from delays to remote learning. Guilford County Schools defend that decision. In a statement to WXII, 12 news states that buses were already on the roads when snow first began to affect road conditions in various areas of the county, so the district is in all schools. We have decided to exercise the option to switch to distance learning. Nowadays, many families are getting frustrated. The 921 decision came that morning, they say. After a 3 hour delay, many of the kids were already on the bus or at the stop. If they called 6am this morning and said, hey, no, we're not going to have a school, that would have been fine. However, I think it was unfortunate as I waited until the actual school time. It can be much more difficult for some parents to pivot with such short notices than others. Now, the district has delayed the start of two-hour classes today due to possible black ice on the road. Families at schools in Stokes and Surry County have experienced similar issues. Leaders from these districts also answered our questions. You can read the full statements from each school system that changed plans on WXII yesterday. Police in Danville, Virginia have identified officers injured in the shooting battle between Hit and Run. Now this happened on Riverside Drive on Monday. The department says Officer Kayla Robinson found the suspect driving the car, and when she spoke to the driver they painted a firearm and fired it multiple times. Investigators say Officer Robinson, who was in the unit for two years, returned the fire. Both the officer and the suspect have been shot multiple times and are recovering. Virginia State Police are investigating the incident at High Point. Investigators are investigating the cause of the townhome fire. Firefighters responded to Cypress Court last night. They found smoke pouring from the building. The crew then searched for townhomes, but found nothing. Is there anyone inside? The firefighters then put out the fire and no one was injured. At least one person has been killed and several others have been injured this morning after a mobile home fire in Charlotte. Firefighters responded to the scene soon after, when a medical professional at 4am said that three people had been taken to a local hospital. Two of them suffered serious injuries and one suffered minor injuries. The other three refused treatment. The cause of the fire is unknown and an investigation is underway. Protests are underway in Asheville against widespread firing of federal employees. These ends have arrived at offices in western North Carolina, including the VA Blue Ridge Parkway and the Pisga National Forest. The chairman of the Asheville chapter of the U.S. Government Employees Federation says Firing3 was launched last week and most were probation employees. The union hopes that the number of layoffs will grow, and they are taking action. I went up to DC. We were there all week with AFGE. A legislative meeting was held. I went and talked to Tom Tillis's office, and I went and spoke to Senator Butts' office. The union represents approximately 3,000 federal workers. The Senate approved the first of two budget bills to fund Trump's agenda. They voted for the llama for over 12 hours a night. Republicans moved funding for massive deportation and border security on Thursday afternoon. Military and fossil fuel production. The bill, which served as a down payment before Republicans were introduced for the second time, extended a tax credit of about $4.5 trillion and a cut in healthcare and other programs of $2 trillion. demo

North Carolina Flu Deaths: 246 Flu-related Deaths reported this season

According to the state's latest data, North Carolina has had 246 flu-related deaths, according to this flu season. There are 244 adults who have died from the virus. This week's report added another 75 deaths, which are normally updated on Wednesdays. He was accused of stealing GMC trucks and attempting to buy lawn mowers at fraudulent ID Stokes and Surry County schools. He died from the North Carolina virus between the ages of five and 17. The two pediatric deaths reported on Wednesday, Feb. 12, were the first child deaths from influenza complications during the state's 2024-25 flu season. The state recommends that all children over six months get flu shots each year. In North Carolina, subscribed to WXII's YouTube channel Herethis over the past year, and received more than 300 flu-related deaths, including 16 children. For more information about this story, see NewsPartner Nowcast Streaming NewsCastSnavigate: Home |Weather | Watch Nowcast TV | Local News | National | News We Love |

During this flu season, there were 246 flu-related deaths in North Carolina. According to the latest state data.

There are 244 adults who have died from the virus. This week's report added another 75 deaths, usually updated every Wednesday.

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Two children, ages 5 to 17, died from the North Carolina virus. The two pediatric deaths reported on Wednesday, Feb. 12, were the first child deaths from influenza complications during the state's 2024-25 flu season.

The state recommends that all children over six months get flu shots each year.

Which one should you subscribe to? YouTube channel is here

Over the past year, North Carolina has had more than 300 flu-related deaths, including 16 children.

For more information about this story, please visit our news partners. Urals.

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