The threat of Canada's revival

Few stories in the public health landscape are as compelling as the unexpected return of the disease we once thought to have been conquered. Measles, a highly contagious viral infection, is officially considered Excluded from Canada in 1998making an incredible comeback, challenging the public health system and the entire community.
An increase in measles cases is a concern as it represents real people and real risks. The current measles situation in Canada is a public health challenge and a critical moment for awareness and action. From urban areas such as Toronto and Montreal Small Communities Statewide, new patterns require caution and understanding.
The outbreak in Canada
the current Measles outbreaks in Canada It mainly influences Ontario and Quebec. In Ontario, 57 Confirmed cases As of February 13th, it was documented in 2025. Meanwhile, Quebec is experiencing its second outbreak. 24 confirmed cases This is reported as of February 21st this year. Previous outbreaks in Quebec included 51 cases between February and June 2024.
This revival can be attributed to several factors, including a decline in vaccination rates, international travel to reintroduce the virus into Canada, and the highly contagious nature of measles.
Eric Lisberg, Canadian Press/AP
Vaccination rates for measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccines It fell to about 82.5%significant reduction observed during the Covid-19 pandemic. This reduction creates a group of highly sensitive individuals, which undermines the immunity of the community – commonly referred to as Herd immunity – 95% vaccinations are required to effectively prevent outbreaks.
How measles spreads
Measles is the same One of the most infectious diseaseswith a basic breeding number (R₀) of 12-18. This means that in a fully susceptible population, one case of measles can lead to an average of 12-18 cases. Due to the current outbreak, the original source was linked to international travel; Most cases It is now the result of local transmissions within Canada, highlighting the importance of maintaining high vaccinations and rapid public health interventions.
It's measles Very contagious airborne Diseases that spread easily with respiratory fluid. In the case of infected people Breathing, coughing, sneezingthey release virus particles into the air. These particles remain infected for up to 2 hours even after the person leaves the area. That's what measles is particularly challenging to control Long-term contagious.
Infected individuals can spread the virus from four days before the characteristic rash occurs, up to four days before it develops. This means that people can unconsciously communicate the disease before they realize they are infected.
The ability of a virus to spread before symptoms appear, combined with its long period of infectiousness, becomes difficult once it begins to develop. This is why maintaining high vaccination rates across the population is important. It's about protecting individuals as well as protecting the entire community, especially those who are unable to get vaccinated due to age or medical conditions.
Anyone who is not immune from vaccination or previous infections can contract measles, but certain groups, including pregnant women, immunocompromised patients, and unvaccinated children under the age of 5, are , is at a higher risk of complications such as pneumonia and brain swelling.
Protecting individuals and communities

The message from healthcare providers is clear. Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent measles. This is what you can do:
- Make sure your vaccinations are up to date: Measles vaccines are usually combined with mumps (MMR) or water cell (MMRV). Two doses of the vaccine are 99% effective in preventing infection.
- Check your vaccination records: If you are unsure of your vaccination status, please consult or check with your health care provider Individual vaccination records.
- Vaccination of children On schedule: In Ontario, children receive two measles vaccines by the age of seven as part of their daily vaccination.
- Consider early vaccination of your infant. In areas where the outbreak is ongoing, young six-month-old infants may qualify for early vaccination. Please contact your healthcare provider before you travel.
Plan ahead for your trip: If you are traveling internationally, consult your healthcare provider at least 6 weeks prior to your trip to check your vaccination history. - Be careful Symptoms: High fever, cough, runny nose, red eyes, characteristic rash.
If you suspect that you or someone in your family has measles, call your healthcare provider before visiting a medical facility. This allows you to take the necessary precautions to prevent further spread.
Vaccination is our most effective tool against measles. The MMR vaccine is safe and highly effective, with two doses offering up to 99% protection. Maintaining high vaccination rates across the community can prevent outbreaks and protect people who are unable to get vaccinated due to age or medical conditions. As you navigate this situation, it is important to continue to provide information and follow public health guidelines. Together, we can work to contain these outbreaks and protect the health of all Canadians.
The revival of measles in Canada reminds us that we don't take public health outcomes for granted. Vaccination is one of the most successful public health interventions in history and has saved millions of lives. Healthcare providers, parents, communities – working together can turn the tide towards this revival and protect the most vulnerable populations from this preventable disease.
Measles is not a childhood illness or a simple rash. It is a serious illness with potentially severe complications. But vigilance, education and vaccination commitment allows us to once again push measles up on the brink of Canada's exclusion. The health of our community depends on it.
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