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Local doctors discuss cold weather and respiratory viruses

Local doctors discuss cold weather and respiratory viruses



Cold climates are one of several factors that contribute to the severity of the season of respiratory viruses. From Covid-19 to the flu, Dr. John Card, a physician at Novant Health, says he and his colleagues are watching him and his colleagues breathe more sick this year. “The virus's breathing season is definitely in full bloom,” Card said. He says he's seen some viruses in his office. “We're looking at a cold virus. At this point we're seeing the flu with an emphasis on flu A,” he said. “And we're still affected by Covid.” Top Stories: Forsyth County Sheriff's detention officer has been charged with bringing contraband into the water detention center: Greensboro couple, Leonard We found a destroyed man in a rental property billed after a shooting on the road. , Davidson County deputies say the latest news articles of interest by clicking on the latest news articles feel the effects of respiratory virus season Cynthia Angel says many of her students are suffering from illness He says he has graduated from school. WXII spoke with a group of arts students who noticed that their classmates were also sick last week, and our major is just out. “So I'm not watching because there are people around me with the flu – I don't want to get sick!” Let's keep up with the latest news and the weather by downloading the WXII app here. This season is especially bad, so it's a particularly bad thing. There were 246 flu-related deaths during this virus season, according to the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. Be more aggressive this season. Down,” OHL said. “One other reason is that people aren't getting the flu vaccine as much as they used to be. In fact, compared to preschool levels, they're probably only about 60% to 70% of what happened back then, so they got vaccinated. There are fewer people and fewer immunity. “Cold is another factor that can contribute to spreading respiratory diseases like influenza. According to the card, cold weather affects our bodies. Subscribe to WXII's YouTube channel here. When we are in cold weather, it is dry so the water required in the nose passages isn't that big,” Card said. “Therefore, the virus can hold better and therefore can enter our system.” OHL adds that cold weather can keep people close, allowing the virus to spread more. I'll do it. Influenza in particular thrives in cold conditions. “Cool and low humidity means the virus will last longer on the surface. “Ohl said. Card says there is an easy way to protect yourself and your loved ones. “We need to wash our hands,” he said. “If you're careful to be in an enclosed environment, you need to be careful,” OHL and Card say it's not too late to get vaccinated for the flu or other viruses. . Watch: Nowcast Streaming NewsCastSnavigate: Home |Weather | Watch Nowcast TV | Local News | National | News We Love |

Cold climates are one of several factors that contribute to the severity of the season of respiratory viruses.

From Covid-19 to RSV to the flu, Dr. John Card, a physician at Novant Health, says he and his colleagues are seeing respiratory illnesses at this time.

“The virus's breathing season is definitely in full bloom,” Card said.

He says he's seen some viruses in his office.

“We're looking at a cold virus. At this point we're seeing the flu with an emphasis on flu A,” he said. “And we're still seeing some of the impacts of Covid.”

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The public is also feeling the effects of the respiratory virus season. Local sophomore teacher Cynthia Angel says many of her students have graduated from school due to illness.

“I've had more than a week of students off school,” she said. “And that's a huge loss of learning for us as we try to catch up with them.”

WXII also spoke with a group of students at UNC School of the Arts who say they have noticed that their classmates have also become ill.

“My roommate was very ill last week,” one student said. “And a lot of our majors just came out.”

“I've always gotten sicker than others, and I've always been sick longer than others,” another student added. “So, with the people surrounding me with the flu, I'm not watching – I don't want to get sick!”

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The flu virus has been particularly vicious this season. According to the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, there were 246. Influenza-related deaths During this virus season.

Dr. Christopher Al, a local infectious disease expert at Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist, says there are several reasons why the flu has become more aggressive this season.

“Because of measures taken around the pandemic, such as distance and mask use, the collective immunity to flu has been reduced in the last four to five years because of the flu, and the use of a new one,” OHL said. . “One other reason is that people aren't getting the flu vaccine as much as they used to be. In fact, compared to preschool levels, they're probably only about 60% to 70% of what happened back then, so they got vaccinated. There are fewer people and less immunity.”

Cold climates are another factor that can contribute to spreading respiratory diseases like influenza. According to the card, cold weather affects our bodies.

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“When we are exposed to cold, our first impact area is our nose, so our nose passages are really our first line of defense, so we can When it's cold, it's dry, the moisture we need in our nose passages, not that big,” Card said. “So the virus can hold much better and therefore enter the system.”

OHL adds that cold weather is also likely to keep people close and allow the virus to spread more. Influenza in particular thrives in cold conditions.

“Cool and low humidity means that the virus lasts longer on the surface. This increases the chances of running your hands across the surface, scratching your nose and introducing the virus,” OHL said. I said that.

According to the card, there are some easy ways to protect yourself and your loved ones.

“We need to wash our hands,” he said. “If you're calm about being in an enclosed environment, you need to be cautious.”

OHL and Card also say it's not too late to get vaccinated for the flu and other viruses.

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