Unknown illness kills dozens of people in Congo as experts clash with causes

The mystery behind an unknown illness that killed dozens of people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo on Friday after the World Health Organization provided a new theory that appears to contradict African health professionals.
At least 60 people have died in Congo's Ecuature province, and more than 1,000 have been ill and become ill. This is characterized by “fever, headache, chills, sweating, stiff neck, muscle pain, arthralgia, body pain, flow or bleeding nose, cough, vomiting, diarrhea.” Who will report? It was published on Thursday.
W.Ho at a press conference held in London on Friday. Dr. Michael Ryan, director of emergency, said the disease is likely to be caused by addiction, contradicting the theory proposed Thursday by African experts for disease control and prevention who presumed malaria was responsible.
“Death is based on the onset of symptomology,” Dr. Ryan said, “from a biological perspective like meningitis or from exposure to chemicals, it looks like a toxic type event and looks very good.” He added that poisoning is “a very strong level of suspicion” as it is associated with a “water source.”
Investigators determined that the first outbreak had begun in the northwest village of Boroko before spreading to nearby Dunda village, WHO said. The second major outbreak occurred in Bomate Village.
A preliminary investigation showed that three children who died of eating bats in January. Before his death, all the children were bleeding from the nose and the blood that vomited.
Bat viruses are known to cause many human diseases and are thought to be natural reservoirs of Marburg and Ebola viruses.
According to the WHO, Laboratory Testing produced negative results in both Marburg and Ebola, but about half of the samples were positive for ramping malaria in the region. Samples have also been tested for meningitis.
Dr. Ngashi ngongo of the African Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said virtually on Thursday. news An early test showed a connection to malaria.
équateursishness “is very similar to what happened at Panzi last year.” Dr. Ngongo said, referring to flulike. disease It has infected hundreds of people in the southwest part of the country. The disease was later revealed to be a complicated respiratory infection malaria.
The WHO said it was supporting local governments, but aid to the country is likely reduced due to recent cuts in US funding.
The US may have rolled out before the Trump administration's recent cuts to USAID Congo's hot zone expert. Today there are fewer than 10 people employed in the rest of the institution to respond to outbreaks around the world, including those caused by Ebola, MPOX and Marburg.
The outbreak in the northwest Ecuature province is hundreds of miles away from the ongoing war, deepening the humanitarian crisis in eastern Congo, and the Congolese forces fight against Rwanda-backed rebels.
Stephanie Noren Reports of contributions.
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