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Studies show that people who lose weight because they are obese to overweight by middle age can reduce their risk of death by half.


Is Weight Loss Between Early Adults and Middle Ages Associated With a Lower Risk of Mortality in Later Life When Compared to Persistent Obesity? New research suggests a link. Researchers at the Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH) can reduce the risk of premature death by half when going from early obesity in adulthood to overweight in middle age. On the other hand, weight loss after middle age does not significantly reduce a person’s mortality risk, revealing a nationally representative study of US adults.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or higher is considered overweight, and a BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese. 12.4% of premature deaths in the United States may be due to high body mass index at any time in early to mid adult life.

“Current research is important New evidence “We are proud to announce that Dr. Wubin Xie, the first postdoctoral researcher in the field of global health at BUSPH, said:

The researchers used data from 24,205 people from the National Health and Nutrition Survey, 1998-2015. Participants were 40-74 years old when they participated in the study, and the data included the BMI of participants 10 years ago and 25 years of age who participated in the study. Next, the researchers analyzed the relationship between changes in BMI and the likelihood that participants would die during the observation period, controlling other factors such as participant gender, past and present smoking, and education level. Did.

“Weight history was assessed by self-reported body weight at age 25, 10 years before baseline. Body mass index at each time point was normal (18.5-24.9), overweight (25.0-29.9), and obese. (30.0) Weight change patterns were assessed from age 25 (early adult) to 10 years before baseline (middle age) Study participants were primarily age 37 to 55. Defined to be middle-aged to age, but on average 44 years old at the University of North Carolina at Gillings School of Public Health, University of Pennsylvania, Harvard Medical School, and Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health.

Weight loss after middle age does not significantly reduce a person’s risk of death, revealing a nationally representative study of US adults. (Getty Images)

Analysis shows that study participants with a BMI falling from the 25-year-old “obesity range” to the middle-aged “overweight range” had a 54% lower mortality rate than those with BMI in the obesity range. It was. Instead, these teams, who have a track of obesity to overweight, were at risk of death, closer to those who had BMIs in the much overweight range, the team explains. The authors found no similar reduction in mortality risk for participants who lost weight later in life. According to them, this may be because weight loss later in life is likely to lead to poor health in older people.

The team estimates that if everyone with a BMI of 25 years and in the obesity range was able to lower the BMI to the overweight range by middle age, 3.2% of the study deaths were avoided. They add that preventing weight gain from normal weight can prevent premature death by more than 12%. However, weight loss was rare in the study population. Only 1.3% of individuals overweight at 25 years lost weight to normal BMI 10 years before baseline, 0.8% lost weight from obesity to overweight, and 0.2% lost weight from obesity to normal It was. The findings show significant opportunities to improve the health of the population through primary and secondary prevention of obesity, especially at a young age, and Andrew Cort. Dr Stokes explains.

“Compared to residual obesity, weight loss from early adult obesity to overweight BMI in middle age was associated with a subsequent reduction in premature mortality of more than 50%. At the population level, We estimate that weight loss from obesity to overweight can prevent premature death by more than 3% If the BMI from age 25 to middle age is above normal weight, the normal population is BMI , An estimated 12.4% of premature deaths can be avoided Our findings focus on the importance of population-based approaches to prevent weight gain throughout the life course and the treatment of obesity early in life We support the need to put them in,” says the research team.

This study focuses on preventing premature death, but maintaining healthy weight also reduces the burden of many chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. Co-author Dr. JoAnn Manson is a professor of medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School and Professor Michael Andribell Women’s Health.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult a doctor or other qualified healthcare provider for advice if you have questions about a medical condition.


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