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Shields to protect elderly and vulnerable people in Wales from the end of the coronavirus


The shield for the most vulnerable in Wales has been officially “suspended” since Sunday 16 August, affecting approximately 130,000 people in Wales.

In July, it was announced that measures to protect the elderly and vulnerable in Wales would be suspended if there were a continuous decline. Coronavirus Case.

Dr. Frank Atherton, Wales Chief Medical Officer, announced the move last month, saying the groups could go shopping and return to work or school. Sunday August 16th.

of Welsh government I’ve sent a letter to people in the Shield category notifying them of the change.

The shield is suspended, but the list is maintained. During the summer, all children on the shield list will be reviewed.

A letter sent to patients on the Shielded Patients list confirms that they can “stop the shield after August 16, 2020.”

In communication, Dr. Atherton said: “When I first asked to shield, the coronavirus infection rate was much higher than it is now.

“Home shields were the best way to stay safe. The infection rate in Wales is now very low and the chances of getting a coronavirus are much lower.

“In all of my advice to you, I have sought to find the right balance between the risk of coronaviruses and the harm that can be caused by demanding that the shield continue. Staying home for a long time can harm your mental and physical health.”

From August 16th, the following changes will be in effect for shielded people in Wales.

  • You no longer need to be two meters or three steps away from the person you live with or a member of your extended household
  • As long as your business is Covid protected and you have taken reasonable steps to minimize the risk to your employees, you can get to work even if you can’t work from home.
  • Shielded children can return to school when school resumes
  • You can go out for any reason, such as going to a store to buy food, but you must be two meters or three steps away from others.

However, asking people to shield in areas with a high coronavirus rate is an option, but the chief medical officer said, “In the future, doctors can As long as you aim to do it individually, look at your own risks and decide what is the best advice for you.” The first group in which this is done is the children.

Dr. Atherton added in the letter: “If we have a large number of cases of coronavirus in a local area of ​​Wales, we will consider whether we need to ask people in that local area to shield us. We will communicate with the public via local radio and television, And if I need to advise you to shield again, I’ll write to you too.”

Admitting that some people may be worried about the shield shutting down, he advises people to:

  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for 20 seconds
  • Stay 2 meters or 3 steps away from people who are not living together or who are not part of your extended household
  • Healthy eating and regular exercise
  • Be sure to take the medicine prescribed by your doctor
  • Get a free NHS jab to protect against other ailments such as measles (you can talk to your doctor about this)
  • Get a free annual NHS jab when it becomes available in the fall (you can consult your doctor).

“The decline in coronaviruses, especially during the summer, gave me the opportunity to revisit the advice given to the people who were shielding in Wales,” Dr. Atherton said in July.

“I advised this group of about 130,000 people in Wales to take a series of shielding measures to protect their health until August 16.

“Once we see the virus continue to decline, the advice to shield is suspended.”

Pausing the shield also means the following:

  • If the shield stops after August 16th, the weekly food box scheme ends, but supermarkets continue to offer priority delivery slots to this group.
  • The prescription delivery service is available until September 30 for those who need it.

“I would like to thank everyone who has followed the shield advice,” Dr. Atherton added.

“This will be a worrying time for those who are shielding, but people have weeks to prepare. I will write to everyone in the shield group.

“Shields help protect people from the coronavirus, but spending a lot of time indoors at home can have a negative impact on people’s mental and physical health.

“It is very important not to ask people to take shielding measures longer than necessary.”

The Welsh Government will see the latest guidance from the Royal College of Childhood Health to determine if each child should be on the list.

Dr. David Tathill, Welsh Officer at the Royal College of Pediatrics and Medicine, said earlier:

“Severe illness from a child’s virus is extremely rare, and the shield itself poses its own problems to children.

“Lockdown was tough for all the kids who missed school, played, met friends, especially those who were shielded.

“I’m convinced that the need to protect the vast majority of children, including those who are alone in GP care, will not be necessary to protect them in the event of an even greater outbreak. This announcement is good news for many families. I hope.”

Dr. Atherton further added: “I congratulate the entire Welsh family who lost their loved ones in the last few months.

“But this does not mean that all of the coronavirus is gone. We all must continue to take sensible steps to protect ourselves and reduce the risk of getting the virus.

“The most effective way to do this is to keep a distance of 2 meters and wash your hands often.”

Pausing is welcome news for many families who have been using Shields for the past six months, but most people are still cautious.

Rebecka Bow is the mother of 9-year-old Sofia Bow who was born with cystic fibrosis.

Rebecca with her daughter Sophia
(Image: Rebecka bow)

“The advice we had was to keep as far away from everyone as possible.

“We are still only active outdoors, no one enters our house, nowhere indoors. As a family, we wear masks permanently.”

Rebecca and her husband Matthew, along with Sophia and her brother Caleb, headed to Cornwall to take a break from Mercer’s home as the guidance changed.

Mum Rebecca says that the fact that masks are a must in UK stores means that most people wear masks, which makes things feel safer.

“I think it brings more of consciousness, and I’d love to see it in Wales.

“I know people want to return to normal, but people need to remember that some threats are much greater. It’s about respecting everyone.”

The family is still awaiting advice from Sophia’s doctors on whether it is safe for her to return to school.

Rebecca and her husband Matthew continue to work at home
(Image: Rebecka bow)

Jamie White, Head of Policy and Public Relations for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust, said: “The suspension of shields in Wales is welcome news for many, but for others it raises concerns about how to safely resume normal daily life, especially how to get back to work or education. ..

“People with cystic fibrosis need to minimize their risk of acquiring an infection by staying socially distanced and continuing to wash their hands.

“For those returning to work, employers have an obligation to ensure that they take strong steps to minimize the risk of acquiring an infection and return to a safe work environment.

“If you need further assistance or help, please contact the 0300 373 1000 helpline or email [email protected].”


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