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COVID-19 Trial: Symptoms most likely to appear in this order




The photo of the dateless handout from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows a microscopic image of coronavirus.

The researchers Coronavirus They tend to appear in a particular order. This can be a tool that can help in early detection and self-separation.

Recent University of Southern California StudyThe virus, published in the medical journal Frontier Public Health, usually appears first as fever, followed by coughing and muscle aches, nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea.

The August 13 study was led by PhD candidate Joseph Larsen of the Institute for Convergence Sciences at the USC Michelson Center and scientists Peter Kuhn and James Hicks.

“This order is especially important when there are overlapping cycles of illness that overlap with COVID-19 infections like influenza,” said Peter Kuhn, professor of medicine, biomedical engineering, aerospace and mechanical engineering at USC. Is Mentioned in an online press release.. “Physicians can determine what steps to take to care for a patient and prevent the patient’s condition from deteriorating.”

“Given an improved approach to treatment for COVID-19, early identification of patients may reduce hospital stays,” Larsen added in a statement.

The researchers said the new data in the study could also help doctors rule out other illnesses.

Fever and cough are often associated with a variety of illnesses, including flu and other respiratory illnesses, which result in the timing of their appearance, followed by delayed onset of gastric symptoms, studies say ..

“The upper gastrointestinal tract (nausea/vomiting) appears to be affected before COVID-19’s lower gastrointestinal tract (ie, diarrhea), which is the opposite of MERS and SARS,” the researchers wrote. I am.

This study was funded through the National Cancer Institute and the Carroll Vasilia Dishes Fellowship.

Larsen was also supported by the USC Donifer College and the Schlegel House Foundation Fellowship, a press release was added.

Here’s what you need to know:

Researchers analyzed cases of coronavirus dating to December 2019



According to the study, USC researchers investigated more than 55,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus in China collected by the World Health Organization from 16 February to 24 February. We also analyzed a dataset of approximately 1,100 cases sampled by the Chinese Medical Professionals Group through the National Medical Commission of China from December 11, 2019 to January 29, 2020.

The study showed that scientists compared chronological charts of influenza symptoms and looked at data for 2,470 cases in North America, Europe, and the Southern Hemisphere reported to health authorities from 1994 to 1998.

“Our model predicts that influenza begins with a cough, whereas COVID-19 begins with a fever like other coronavirus-related diseases,” the study said.

Scientists also suggested that “heat should be used for immigration to the facility” for resumption.

More than 5 million cases of coronavirus in the US


GettyVolunteer (L) hands three-year-old Zayla a backpack packed with school supplies in handouts, as seen by her mother, Claudia Rodriguez (R), on August 14, 2020 in Los Angeles, California Support your family.

According to data from Centers for Disease Control and Preventione. The United States reported a total of approximately 5.2 million cases of coronavirus as of Sunday morning, an increase of approximately 57,000 cases from the previous day.

The total number of deaths from coronaviruses was just over 167,000, an increase of about 1,200.

Meanwhile, California on Friday became the first state in the United States to reach more than 600,000 confirmed COVID-19s, killing a total of 11,000. Reported CBS,Quote Data from Johns Hopkins University.

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