Fauci says you can control a pandemic with “effective half”
Coronavirus Vaccine Tracker, August 16: Anthony Fauci America And one of the most trusted voices today PandemicSays the vaccine for the novel is unlikely to be Coronavirus will be 100% effectiveBut even half of an effective vaccine is enough to restore normality within a year.
If the vaccine is available early next year, the pandemic will be “well-managed” by the end of next year, as expected, said Forch, who is also a coronavirus adviser to US President Donald Trump.
“Once we got the vaccine in 2021, By 2021, By the end of the year, return to normal as much as possible. This does not mean to eradicate this virus. The only virus we have ever eradicated in Earth’s history is smallpox for humans. But you can get it under good enough control so it doesn’t interfere with the normal life we ​​want to get back very low, economy and employment. “Fauci said in the PBS Newshour program, according to a transcript of the PBS website.
“I don’t think it’s going to be 2024. It’s going to be like the end of 2021,” he said when asked if the pandemic would last until 2024, as some have suggested. .. “Of course, if you don’t handle it properly, this can last for years if there is no safe and effective vaccine,” Forch said.
In a statement made earlier, Forti acknowledged that the new coronavirus vaccine is unlikely to be effective at 90%, but even 50-60% is “acceptable”. It was “It’s not very likely to be 98% effective, which means we should never give up on public health approaches… we have to think of vaccines as a tool to get the pandemic out of the pandemic. Last week, CNBC quoted Fauci’s remarks.
A 50% effectiveness means that the vaccine has only a 50% chance of protecting an individual from infection. Or it also means that only 50% of the vaccinated people can expect protection against the disease.
Read | Description: Why is there a long way to go before Russian vaccines are available in India?
The U.S. drug regulatory agency, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), said earlier that it expects vaccine approvals to be at least 70% effective for approval for public use. It was. But then they agreed to approve a vaccine that was at least 50% effective.
Russian vaccine safety, Suspicious of effectiveness: Fauci
Anthony Forch, who has not kept his skepticism against the novel Russian vaccine against the coronavirus in the New York Times, reiterated that he “seriously doubted” the safety and efficacy of the vaccine.
“Having a vaccine and proving that it’s safe and effective are two different things, so if you could hurt a lot of people or not work, We can start this, and next week, if we wish, it is said that Fauci said in a panel discussion on Friday.
“But this is not the way this works,” he said.
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He expressed this Skeptic over and over In the past. “I hope China and Russia are actually testing the vaccine before giving it to anyone. The claim that the vaccine is ready to be distributed before testing is at least a problem,” he said. He announced in a testimony to a US congressional earlier this month that Russia would announce a second vaccine approval. One week in August. China also approved one of its vaccines for use in soldiers without undergoing a Phase 3 trial.
Searching for coronavirus vaccines: stories so far
- More than 160 vaccine candidates in preclinical or clinical trials
- 29 in clinical trials
- Six final stages, Phase III of human trials
- At least eight candidate vaccines under development in India. Two of these went into Phase II trials after completion of Phase I.
(As of August 13, Source: Outlook for WHO coronavirus vaccine on August 13, 2020)
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