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What SoCal needs to know with the first measles case of LA residents and the outbreak in Texas

What SoCal needs to know with the first measles case of LA residents and the outbreak in Texas



As the US is working on its first measles death in nearly a decade, health officials are urging Southern Californians to examine the vaccination status.

Two unvaccinated people have died of measles in the past two weeks. Country kids in Texas and New Mexico adults – The outbreak that has infected more than 200 people, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

So far, over 220 measles cases have been reported in 12 US states this year, compared to 285 throughout the last year.

On Tuesday, LA County officials confirmed the lawsuit of a resident who recently traveled to LAX. A news release from the Los Angeles County Public Health says passengers “allocated to a specific seat” on China Airlines CAL8/CI8 flights arriving on March 5th will be notified. Local officials said they are working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Additionally, people in the following locations have been warned about possible exposure:

  • Wednesday, March 5th, from 7pm to 10pm at the Tom Bradley International Terminal in LAX.
  • Friday, March 7, 11am to 5pm: Cloud 9 Nail Salon, 5142 N. Lankershim Blvd., North Hollywood.
  • Monday, March 10th, 8:15am to 10:30am: Superior Grocery Store, 10683 Valley Blvd., El Monte.

California doesn't have an aggressive outbreak, but it does now Five confirmed cases of measles It has been reported in the state since January, according to the California Department of Public Health. It includes infection Traveled toddlers lax February 19th.

In all of 2024, there were 15 confirmed cases of measles in California.

There are strict students in California. Vaccination Act Additionally, while the average vaccination rate among kindergarteners is above 96%, health officials have warned that the area remains vulnerable due to international travel links and pockets of vaccination shortages.

Measles-Mump-Rubella vaccine provides the best protection against this disease. According to the CDC, 94% of reported cases are included in people who have not been vaccinated or whose vaccination status is unknown.

Have questions about measles and your risks in Southern California? There is an answer.

What causes the current spikes in the US measles incident?

The main cause is a decline in vaccination rates, experts say. Most likely to result in vaccination rates Lower than 95% in the communityaccording to the CDC.

County West Texas County, where the current outbreak is central, has an MMR vaccination rate of 82% among kindergarteners. State Health Records.

“The reason we see an outbreak of measles is that some parents don't protect their children from this highly contagious disease by immunizing them,” said John Swartzberg, a clinical professor at the Department of Public Health in Berkeley, California.

“And in some cases, adults who have not been vaccinated choose not to get vaccinated,” Swartzberg continued. “There's no other explanation.”

In recent years, many communities have fallen below the 95% threshold, health experts said.

“The main reason for the decline in vaccination rates is spreading misinformation through the internet and social media about the potential harm of vaccination,” said Sahir Khan, assistant professor of infectious diseases at USC.

The most notable example is a scientific paper from the early 1990s that claimed to find a link between vaccination and autism. This study was later revealed, Retract. As of last week, the CDC is planning research to revisit the topic, Reuters reported.

How common is measles in the United States?

That's what measles was It was officially excluded from the US in 2000that is, there is no continuous infection of diseases that occur within the country.

New cases usually begin when a traveler brings measles from overseas. A local outbreak can occur when the disease reaches the community in the pockets of people who are not vaccinated.

The number of people reported to have measles each year since 2000 ranged from a low of 37 in 2004 to a high of 1,282 in 2019, according to the CDC.

What is the chance of measles occurring in Southern California?

Outbreaks in the Los Angeles area are much less likely than rural Texas, as counties in Southern California generally maintain vaccination rates of over 95% among school-age children.

Kern County, which is adjacent to LA County, had an MMR vaccination rate of less than 92% from 2022-23. That year, 12 Northern California counties also had vaccination rates below herd immunity thresholds. California Department of Public Health.

But if there is a pocket of people who have not been vaccinated within Southern California, an outbreak can occur.

“Looking like the Somali community in Minnesota and the Orthodox Jewish community in New York, there are certain communities in Los Angeles where vaccination rates are low and there are certain communities where there is a risk of outbreak,” Kern said. “Unfortunately, vaccine misinformation is targeted at these communities.”

Community-level data on vaccination rates can be used through an annual school reporting audit conducted by the California Department of Public Health.

Data provided for the 2021-22 grade schools show that fewer than 95% of students have been vaccinated against measles at more than 200 schools in Los Angeles County.

You can check the latest MMR vaccination rates at your child's school or childcare facility (or schools with your postal code). Interactive maps and databases It is maintained by state health officials.

Has Southern California had measles before?

yes. Southern California has experienced several measles outbreaks in recent years. Most importantly, the 2014-15 outbreak related to Disneyland, which infected at least 131 California residents and spread to other states and countries.

In 2019, there were 73 confirmed cases of measles in California, including 41 cases linked to six outbreaks. Five of these outbreaks were associated with patients travelling internationally, state health officials said.

If I was vaccinated as a child, is I safe?

If you receive two measles vaccines as a child, you are considered protected for the rest of your life and you do not need a booster dose. CDC.

If you are exposed to the virus, two measles vaccines are about 97% effective, according to the CDC. One dose is approximately 93% effective. In rare cases where vaccinated people have closed measles, they usually experience mild symptoms and are less contagious.

If you receive only one dose as a child and are born after 1957, you are generally considered protected. However, the CDC recommends that some groups ensure that there are two doses, including university students, healthcare workers and international travelers.

You should also ask your doctor about whether you receive a murdered measles vaccine (a previous formulation used between 1963 and 1967) to recalculate with the current MMR vaccine.

People who are immunocompromised or pregnant should not be vaccinated, experts say.

“If you don't think anyone is unsure, or you haven't been vaccinated or have completed the entire series, you may have a higher risk and you should talk to your doctor about getting a booster dose,” said Scott Roberts, professor of infectious diseases at Yale School of Medicine.

Is it safe if you have measles?

yes. The CDC considers you to be protected from measles if you have medical records that confirm you have measles at some point in your life. Innate immunity after measles infection is lifelong.

People born before 1957 are commonly thought to have lifelong innate immunity due to widespread exposure to measles before the introduction of the vaccination program in 1963.

What happens if I don't have a vaccination record?

If vaccination records or other proof of measles immunity are not found, the CDC recommends getting an MMR vaccine. According to the health agency, if you are already likely to be immune, there is no harm in getting another dose.

Alternatively, the CDC says that health care providers can test their blood to determine if they are immune, but this is generally not recommended.

“Antibody testing is not very useful because it's waxing and fading. It's varied in labs and doesn't measure every arm in the immune system,” says Roberts.

Does my baby need to get an early “bonus dose”?

The initial dose of MMR vaccine (12 months ago) is usually recommended only for infants traveling to countries with high measles rates or to countries living in areas where measles is active.

Currently, there is no active outbreak in Southern California, so experts recommend sticking to the usual vaccination timeline.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, early “bonus doses” do not count towards the two-dose series required for school admission. Children who receive early administration will need regular doses at age 12-15 months and age 4-6.

“The vaccine works best when you first get it between 12 and 15 months,” Swartzberg said. “If you get it within 12 months, you will need to administer two more.”

Parents who are concerned should talk to their child's pediatrician, experts said.

How contagious is measles? How serious is it?

Measles is very contagious. The virus is in the air and can live in the air or on the surface for up to 2 hours. Each infected person can spread the disease to as many as 18 other people who are not protected.

CDC estimates that 3-4 million people in the United States received measles each year before the vaccination program began in 1963. These cases resulted in 48,000 hospitalizations and 400-500 deaths per year.

According to the CDC, for every 1,000 children who get measles today, one or two children will then die. Approximately one in five people who have not been vaccinated to get measles are hospitalized.

What are the symptoms of measles?

Symptoms of measles usually occur 1-2 weeks after exposure and occur at several stages.

  • Initial symptoms: high fever, cough, runny nose, conjunctivitis (red, watery eyes).
  • After 2-3 days: Small white spots may appear in your mouth.
  • 3-5 days later: A rash breaks out, starting from the face and spreading to the neck, torso, arms, legs and feet.

What should I do if I think I've been exposed to measles?

If you believe you have been exposed, federal health officials recommend:

  • Call your doctor as soon as possible – don't go straight to a medical facility without calling, as it can put others at risk.
  • Check your immune status (vaccination history, past infections).
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay at home and avoid public places for three weeks.
  • Even if you receive the vaccine, please monitor your symptoms.
  • If symptoms occur, isolate yourself and call your doctor.




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