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Research may lead to previous identification of GI disease in dogs

Research may lead to previous identification of GI disease in dogs



Photo: Littleny/Adobe Stock

Soft coated wheat terrier


Signs that can be used to identify dogs at high risk of gastrointestinal disease before developing symptoms were discovered by investigators at the Texas A&M Gastrointestinal Research Institute (GI Lab). Research results, Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicinedemonstrated changes in several biomarkers used to identify preclinical inflammatory bowel disease in healthy soft coated Wheat terriers.1,2

Soft-coated Wheelet terriers are predisposed to developing protein loss enteropathy (PLE), which helps intestinal function function properly. The disease can lead to death less than six months after diagnosis. However, the authors of this study show that early recognition of PLEs may improve outcomes for soft-coated wheat terriers and other breeds at high risk of disease. Varieties caused by GI disease include German Shepherds, Yorkshire Terriers and Staffordshire Bull Terriers.1,2

According to Texas A&M College (VMB) of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences at University Station, GI diseases account for more than 10% of all new veterinary visits. “Sometimes, dogs predisposed to GI disease can spend their lives without clinical signs. For others, the signs develop after some stressor in the gut that requires an unbalanced diet or antibiotics, causing and developing GI disease.”1

A team of investigators at GI Lab investigated 22 healthy dogs, including 12 soft-coated Wheelon terriers and eight dogs in PLE. The prospective study evaluated fecal calprotectin, target metabolites and unbound bile acids, intestinal permeability tests, and videocapsule endoscopy.2

“This study found that certain biomarkers were beginning to appear before symptoms were present, and we believe this would help identify dogs before they actually get sick,” Tolbert said. In particular, researchers have found several indications that they are at high risk for illness. The discovery can save lives in breeds that tend to suffer from diseases with high mortality.

“All kinds of things happen in the gut and it turns out to be a high-risk marker,” Tolbert said. “Some dogs have inflammation, while others have leaky internal organs. Any of these signs can contribute to the development of GI disease, if sufficient changes are present.”

A team of VMBS investigators plans to use the findings to study whether certain dietary interventions can help prevent at-risk dogs from developing digestive diseases. The team is receiving funding to conduct new research examining the possibility that dietary changes could help prevent or delay the onset of GI disease in soft coated wheat terriers.1

“As a nutritionist, I hope that diets that will reverse the condition of these dogs will be a benign intervention,” Tolbert said. “GI Lab is working towards developing new diagnostics that we hope will make preclinical detection more widely available.”


  1. Price C. Texas A&M Gastrointestinal Clinical Test Discoveries may help prevent GI disease in dogs. News release. March 11, 2025. Accessed March 11, 2025.
  2. Preclinical enteropathy in Tolbert K, Darrow J, Grubb L, and other healthy soft coated wheat terriers. J knows internally. 2025; 39(2): E17293. do:10.1111/jvis.17293




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