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With the rise in our outbreak, the key to measles vaccination

With the rise in our outbreak, the key to measles vaccination



Rendering of measles virus cells

R&A Studio / istock

In late January, the Texas Department of Health reported a confirmed case of measles in the western western part of the state. Since then, the disease, which was thought to have been eliminated from the United States, has infected hundreds of people, killed two, and has crossed state lineage. Many experts fear that the total number of actual cases will remain unknown.

Amid this outbreak, many people are wondering what the risk of getting sick is and how to protect themselves. Jonathan graduateProfessor of Immunology and Infectious Diseases at Harvard School of Public Health, addresses some of these concerns.

Q: Please tell us about the current outbreak.

A: As of March 12th, Texas and New Mexico had reported more than 250 cases of measles. Oklahoma had reported two cases associated with this outbreak. Tragically, two children and one adult, both unvaccinated, died from the outbreak. These are the first measles deaths in the United States since 2015.

Measles outbreaks occur regularly in parts of the world where vaccination rates are low. In recent years, almost all cases and outbreaks have returned to international travel in the US. There is an outbreak when measles enters communities where vaccination rates are low. That's what we see in Texas and New Mexico now, and what we saw in Broward County, Florida last year.

Measles is very contagious, so those close to an outbreak should make sure they are vaccinated. If the population has a high vaccination rate (>95%), no outbreaks are seen. This is 93% effective against measles infection and 97% effective at two doses, thanks to measles, mumps and the Levela (MMR) vaccine. If vaccination rates fall below that level, they can occur after the introduction of measles, especially when people get a concentration of unvaccinated individuals that can occur when people gather in schools or other settings. A decline in vaccination rates in our community should encourage concern and action.

Q: What should I worry about in terms of spread?

A: Measles is so contagious that an outbreak of this size should be expected to result in sporadic cases appearing outside the epicenter of Texas and New Mexico. This is similar to what was seen in Broward County, Florida last year when children from other states who traveled to Florida were eventually infected. I don't think these sporadic cases will lead to outbreaks outside of unvaccinated communities.

Jonathan graduate

Q: Should adults get an MMR booster?

A: If you were born before 1957, you're probably presumed to have measles and immunity. For most adults, if you have one or two doses of the MMR vaccine, no additional dose is required. Those who received a vaccine before 1968 should receive an inactivated measles vaccine (available from 1963 to 1967) or if they are unsure of what vaccine they received, they should receive at least one dose of live-decay vaccine. If you are a student at a high school facility where you are at high risk for measles outbreak, a healthcare job, especially one at high school facilities where you are at high risk for measles transmission, or traveling internationally, two MMR vaccines are recommended. If you have questions about your status and whether you should get vaccinated, check with your doctor. CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] We also provide information.

Q: When will it be effective if you just received the vaccine?

A: It takes about two weeks to reach the full impact of vaccination.

Q: Are adults as likely to sign measles as children?

A: Measles is very contagious. Children and adults who do not have immune protection against measles are at their greatest risk because they are not infected with the disease or have not been vaccinated.

Q: Do vulnerable adults, such as elderly people and immunocompromised individuals, have special considerations regarding measles?

A: These are the clear categories of measles. Those born before 1957 almost certainly had measles and were immunized for life. People with immunocompromised need to discuss with their doctor about the degree of immune protection and what precautions and vaccinations are needed.

Q: Vitamin A is advertised as a preventive tactic in some circles. Is there any legitimacy to that?

A: Vitamin A does not prevent measles and does not replace vaccination. Vitamin A deficiency is a risk factor for severe disease and can play a role in treatment and in some cases help with outcomes. Would you like to load up vitamin A? There are several important reasons not to do so. First, vitamin A deficiency is very rare in the US, so no further needs. Second, taking too much vitamin A can be toxic and has a variety of consequences, including liver and bone damage.

There are a lot of noise and false alarms there, but there are two simple points to communicate. First, measles can cause severe illness and can be fatal. Second, measles can be prevented with an MMR vaccine. This is safe and effective.

Last updated

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