Is marriage making you (or your husband) gain weight?

March 13, 2025 – Marriage has long been associated with better health and longer men's longevity, but new Poland research is challenging that assumption.
According to the results from National Institute of Heart Disease In Warsaw, married men triple the risk of obesity compared to married men. The study, which has not yet been published, analyzed medical data from 2,405 people in Poland, an average age of 50. It was found that married men were 3.2 times more likely to be obese than their unmarried counterparts.
Interestingly, this trend did not apply to married women. Researchers, who will do that? Present their discoveries At the European Conference on Obesity in Malaga, Spain in May, I suggested that cultural differences in attitudes towards obesity between men and women could explain the contradiction.
However, marriage seemed to increase the likelihood of both sexes being overweight. It is 62% for men and 39% for women. Age also played a role. With each additional year, the risk of overweight increased by 3% in men and 4% in women, while the risk of obesity increased by 4% in men and 6% in women.
“Age and marriage status situations have an undeniable effect on an adult's overweight or obese lifestyle, regardless of gender,” the researchers concluded.
Contradictions with previous research
Polish studies contradict previous studies that have generally found that married men are healthier and less pathological than unmarried men. Last year, study Of the 7,000 Canadians, they linked marriage to “optimal aging” for men.
More broadly, many studies have shown that being overweight or obese increases the risk of serious health conditions, including heart disease. Type 2 diabetesmetabolic syndrome, cancer, Osteoarthritisobstructive sleep apnea, and gallstones.
Obesity: Growing global concern
Obesity is a global and exacerbating problem. Research on Rancet Between 1990 and 2021, the prevalence of overweight and obesity was more than doubled in adults (ages 25 and older) and children and adolescents (ages 5-24). By 2021, 21.1 billion adults and 493 million young people around the world were classified as overweight or obese.
Experts are beginning to understand Obesity as a combination of genetics and things in the environment. Researchers are still trying to find ways to help people lose weight and keep it down, but they agree with most things.
- Avoid processed carbohydrates. a lot evidence The exact reason for that connection is debated, but add refined grains and sugar to weight gain.
- Eat more fiber. Vegetables, fruits and whole grains are widely recommended by weight loss experts. World Health Organization Legumes are also recommended.
- Exercise can help you Keep your weight down.
- Ask for help. Obesity is now widely considered a disease. It is reasonable to seek medical assistance.
Obesity is usually defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher, while overweight is classified as a BMI of 25-29.9. You can find your BMI using the National Institutes of Health Online calculator.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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