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Lower waist-to-hip ratios in middle-aged age linked to better cognitive function

Lower waist-to-hip ratios in middle-aged age linked to better cognitive function



A new study found that diet quality and waist-to-hip ratio in middle-aged years are related to brain connections and cognitive performance in older adults.

Researchers from the University of Oxford, University of London, and institutions across Germany, France and the Netherlands have analyzed data from the Whitehall II Study, a long-term research project following UK civil servant workers.

Their discovery is Healthier diet And the ratio of hip to hip in middle age is associated with improved brain health in later years.

With a global dietary shift leading to an increase in obesity rates, Cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetesThe risk of dementia is also increasing.

While many studies focus on the effects of individual nutrients on brain function, fewer studies have evaluated the long-term effects of overall dietary quality and fat distribution.

This study, published in JAMA Network Open, highlights MIDLIFE as a key period for cognitive health interventions.

Researchers looked at the associations between diet, waist-to-hip ratios, and brain connections, providing new insights into how these factors affect memory and executive functioning in response to age.

This study included data from 512 participants in diet quality analysis and 664 participants in waist-to-hip ratio analysis. Researchers measured diet quality using an alternative healthy diet index – 2010 (AHEI2010) and assessed waist-to-hip ratios at five time points over 21 years.

Brain structure and function were examined using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and functional MRI scans, whereas cognitive performance was tested through working memory, executive function, and flow encyability assessments.

The key findings are as follows:

  • Higher quality diet scores in middle age were associated with increased hippocampal connectivity to brain regions involved in memory and processing, such as the occipital lobe and cerebellum.
  • Healthier diets are associated with better white matter integrity, meaning stronger brain connections that support cognitive function.
  • The waist-to-hip ratio in middle age was correlated with reduced white matter integrity, especially in brain regions that are important for memory and executive function.
  • Cognitive decline associated with a higher waist-to-hip ratio was partially explained by changes in brain connection.

These findings suggest that lower ratios of healthy eating and lower hip to hips in middle age can protect later brain function. In the accompanying commentary, Dr. Sharmiri Edwin Taraja from Goethe University highlighted the public health challenges posed by obesity and poor diet.

She highlighted the need for systematic intervention rather than relying solely on personal responsibility, given that the food environment often promotes a high-calorie, undernourished diet.

This study also identified gaps in research, particularly on gender differences.

Since only 20% of participants are women, it remains unclear whether these findings equally apply to women. moreover, Alcohol consumption The independent effects on brain aging, although further exploration is required, were associated with poor dietary quality.

These findings strengthen the importance of a balanced diet and maintain a healthy weight for metabolic health as well as long-term cognitive health.

For those seeking to protect their brain health, focusing on managing nutrient-rich diet and body fat distribution could be an important strategy to reduce the risk of dementia in later years.




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