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Is coconut water healthy? According to nutritionists, the best benefits

Is coconut water healthy? According to nutritionists, the best benefits



Water is definitely the ultimate hydration powerhouse, but if there is no diversity in the rotation of your drink, it can get a little old. Certainly there are many juice, sodasports drinks and Shining water Although optional, if you want to see sugar intake and foaming not yours, coconut water may look attractive. But is it a healthy exchange of plain things?

“Coconut water is a clear liquid found in immature coconuts.” Erin Palinsky-Wadea registered dietitian and author of “2 Days of Diabetes Food” tells “This liquid is rich in electrolytes such as potassium and magnesium, and also provides a source of carbohydrates.” As such, it is celebrated as a natural sports drink.

However, hydration should not be focused on it as a substitute for water, experts say.

“Coconut water contains naturally occurring sugars and carbohydrates, which can provide an important source of calories when used as the sole liquid source throughout the day,” explains Palinksy-Wade.

Sugar, which naturally occurs in fruits and vegetables, is usually not something to be wary of, as it is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, but coconut water is not. “So it's best to drink moderately,” she adds.

That said, enjoying coconut water every day is safe and healthy. Still, experts recommend limiting your intake to 1-2 cups per day.

Here's what you need to know about coconut water:

Coconut water nutrition

1 cup of sugar-free coconut water contains: US Department of Agriculture:

  • 44 calories
  • 10.4 grams of carbohydrates
  • 9.6 grams of sugar
  • 404 micrograms of potassium
  • 14.7 micrograms of magnesium
  • 17.2 micrograms of calcium

Coconut water provides 10% of the daily recommended potassium value, and is a “good source of vitamin C” and offers 50% of the daily value, says Rizzo.

Though 10 grams of naturally occurring sugar per glass of coconut water is less than what you can find in, say, a standard sports drink, it still affects blood sugar levels and increases your calorie intake, Palinksy-Wade points out.

“Using coconut water as a sports drink alternative will help you find the benefits of electrolytes by using less sugar (and) using this as a daily drink can increase your overall sugar intake,” she says.

What are the advantages of coconut water?

You can rely on coconut water to provide a large amount of hydration. “The combination of liquids and electrolytes in coconut water can serve as an effective hydration aid,” says Palinsky-Wade. “Studies have shown that coconut water can be used as a natural alternative to standard sports drinks.”

this the study It also shows that it helps to stay hydrated during moderately strong exercises such as cycling.

Thanks to various antioxidants, coconut water protects cells from damage and helps fight inflammation. These same antioxidants in combination with potassium can also help alleviate mild to moderate ulcerative colitis, research suggests, Rizzo said.

Additionally, “Some studies suggest that coconut water may help increase urination of substances that help protect against the formation of kidney stones,” Palinsky-Wade points out. “For those suffering from kidney stones, they should first discuss the use of coconut water with their doctors.

What are the disadvantages of coconut water?

Coconut water has higher sugar or calories than regular water.

Additionally, “coconut water is rich in electrolytes such as potassium, so drinking large amounts of coconut water every day can lead to excessive intake of these nutrients and lead to electrolyte imbalances,” says Palinsky-Wade. Hyperkalemia, a condition in which high potassium in the blood, can weaken muscles and affect the heart, so it is recommended that anyone who already has high levels of potassium avoid drinks altogether.




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