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State health committees urge parents to vaccinate their children from measles

State health committees urge parents to vaccinate their children from measles



350 reported Measles case Since the fall, Ontario has been urged by New York parents to offset their children's highly infectious diseases.

James V. McDonald said that measles and rubella (MMR) vaccines are the most effective way to prevent measles and are 97% effective when individuals are administered in full doses, James V. McDonald is a state commissioner for the health commissioner.

He noted that the herd immunity is 95% vaccination rate and Mark Erie County has not yet reached it.

“If you look at some of our counties, if the vaccination rate is low, then that county has a much higher risk, so it's a much higher risk than other counties,” McDonald said.

“If you look at Erie County, 87.7% of people under the age of two, not 95%.”

The state's overall vaccination rate is 81%.

New York Gov. Kathy Hokle said four types of measles have been reported statewide so far this year. Three in New York City and one in Suffolk County. All four cases were confirmed in people who were not vaccinated, and three of these cases were “imported” according to McDonald's. That is, it was brought through travel.

These numbers do not constitute the outbreak of the province, but Hamburg native Hochul said he is worried about numbers that cross the border in Ontario.

“I came from that area. It's not foreign to people in western New York. It's a massive gathering where you go to dinner or shop through borders, sporting events, etc. So that's my concern right now and it could spike,” she said.

measles It is a highly contagious viral disease that usually begins with fever, cough, runny nose, and watery eyes, and continues 2-4 days ago rash start.

According to CDCInfected people are transmitted from 4 days before the rash begins to 4 days after the rash begins. Measles incubation period is approximately 7-10 days after exposure to fever, and the onset of symptoms usually occurs approximately 10-14 days from exposure to the rash.

The virus can remain infectious in the air and on the surface for up to two hours after an infected person leaves the area.

With 20% of infected individuals involved in hospitals, McDonald reminded New Yorker measles is “not a harmless childhood infection.”

He said that reaching immunity for the herd through vaccination is an achievable goal and there is no shortage of vaccines.

The current version of the MMR vaccine has been in use since 1971 and is “very safe,” he added.

“I've been a pediatrician for over 35 years. With serious concern, my parents haven't called me after the measles mumps and rubella vaccines. And I personally administered tens of thousands of doses of vaccines. So I know what measles, mumps and Levela vaccines protect my children.”

Children receive two MMR vaccines to fully vaccinate. The first dose will be issued to children between 12 and 15 months old, and the second will start kindergarten when the child is 4 to 6 years old.

McDonald said adults who are not sure they have received both doses of the MMR vaccine as a child should talk to their doctor about getting a second dose.

Measles occurrence There are currently nearly 320 cases in West Texas and New Mexico, with two unvaccinated people dead from measles-related causes. Associated Press.




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