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Colorado Medical Director's Warnings on Nutritional Supplements and Liver Issues

Colorado Medical Director's Warnings on Nutritional Supplements and Liver Issues



Denver – While some dietary supplements have real benefits, others have less desirable side effects, warning Colorado's medical director of transplants.

Dr. Mary Ann Juan works at HCA Healthone Presbyterian St. Lukes and says that some patients have taken supplements And then came to her with a variety of liver problems, including high enzyme counts and yellow und.

“I actually remember meeting a patient with a patient who had a rise in liver numbers a few years ago,” Dr. Fan said. “He actually felt good. I couldn't understand that.”

Dr. Fan then said she began digging through his medical history and found connections to several supplements. Over the years, she has had several patients with liver problems derived from supplements, and then she has seen them feel better after they stopped taking it.

Colorado Medical Director explains why you should think carefully about taking supplements

Dr. Huang said not all supplements have these types of side effects and the effects vary from person to person depending on other health conditions. She also said she fully understands that people are looking for alternatives to prescription medications and that it often comes in the form of supplements and alternatives.

Her family is from Taiwan, and her father is a retired anesthesiologist who returned to Taiwan to train in acupuncture. While it can be difficult to measure the benefits of acupuncture, some report feeling less painful or stressful. According to Mayo Clinic.

But Dr. Fan's concern lies in that fact. No dietary supplements are approved by the FDA for safety or efficacy.

They are easily available in stores and online, but she warns that not everyone knows whether they are allergic to ingredients or how it interacts with other medications.

“I think they might talk to their neighbors, they might talk to their siblings, they might see something on Tiktok or Instagram,” she added.

Nutritional supplements range from multivitamins to minerals (such as calcium and iron), as well as herbs and probiotics. Available in a variety of shapes, including tablets, capsules, soft gels, powders, and scums. The FDA says.

Dr. Huang said some patients took supplements at the suggestion of other doctors, and then their health has declined.

If you are looking for an alternative treatment, there are a few simple solutions.

National Institutes of Health We provide a website that provides clinical and research information on drug-induced liver damage. Called site livertoxusers (both patients and doctors) can look at medications and supplements. It will be updated regularly.

“It actually provides information in terms of what the background is, what it uses, what it may be hepatotoxic, and actually providing likelihood scores,” Dr. Huang said.

And of course, talk to your doctor, especially about how supplements can interact with other medications.

If you experience problems with dietary supplements, stop using them and seek medical care if necessary. Please report to the FDA.

Denver7 has reached out to several associations in the supplement industry and is waiting for a response.

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