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Did the pollen count defeat you? Philadelphia doctors share how to deal with spring allergies

Did the pollen count defeat you? Philadelphia doctors share how to deal with spring allergies



The first day of spring produces joy and beautiful plants, but it can also show moments of terror for allergies.

People who are susceptible to allergens like pollen, ragweed and grass know that Spring arrival could mean a sneezing cough And the general misery is round the corner. You may already have a layer of pollen in your car, or you will do so soon.

Just in case you need to get through this season, Dr. Robdanov of Jefferson Health joined CBS News Philadelphia to share tips on how to deal with seasonal allergies.

You can either watch the full interview above or continue scrolling for some highlights.

How to tell if it's an allergy, or if it's a cold or sinus infection

There is a difference in symptoms between allergies and colds, Danoff said.

Allergy patients may have suffocating heads “almost like brain fog,” Danoff said. Other symptoms may include itching and throat throat.

If you have asthma, you may have a flare of coughing and wheezing.

“And your throat can really hurt from this drip behind your throat and you can get this extraordinary fatigue,” added Danoff.

More detailed signs of a cold are muscle pain and fever. There is no fever from allergies and you usually don't get muscle pain.

How to deal with spring allergies

To reduce the side effects of spring allergies, Danoff says he will try to reduce tree pollen exposure as much as possible.

Local weather reports should be focused and monitored when pollen numbers are high in the Philadelphia area.

“You want to be careful and minimize your time outdoors when pollen count is high.

Another hint? It's early in the season, but you can run the air conditioner. Leave the windows closed at night and allergens won't be blown away into your home.

The perfect air purifier for allergies and asthma

Many air purifier models can be useful if you want to clarify the air of your home and remove pollen from it.

Danoff said that air purifiers and HEPA filters are needed for asthma, which are the perfect air purifiers to remove pollen and allergies. You may have heard this abbreviation during the Covid-19 pandemic – HEPA represents highly efficient particulate air (Filter). Theoretically refers to the ability of a filter to remove at least 99.97% of dust, pollen, mold, bacteria and other particles that are 0.3 microns wide.

If you want to check Please search for it with air purifiers, HEPA filters to assist with allergies. You should also consider the size of the room where the purifier is located and make sure it is evaluated with the appropriate amount of square or cubic footage.

Product descriptions will show you the ideal room size for a purifier.

“Especially if you have carpets or curtains [an air purifier] We'll rule out pollen,” Danoff said.

Protect yourself from pollen

Upon going outside, Danoff suggests wearing sunglasses. This protects your eyes from pollen.

Another tip: When you get home, remove your clothes in a distance from your bed or living space. I go to the shower to wash my clothes and remove pollen from my hair and clothes.

And if you normally reach for hair products in the morning, Danoff says that by skipping the spray, it will help protect people around you who have serious allergies.

“A lot of people use hairsprays or hair gels, which actually attracts pollen,” he said. “You're going to become your own pollen tree and spread it to others. So, even if you don't have symptoms, others may be around you.”




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