Texas measles outbreaks can be a public health disaster: Tom Frieden

new york – Former top federal health officials have publicly warned health secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Shaking the vaccine And cut down on federal programs Fatal measles outbreak It could unleash the next public health disaster.
“The federal government may suspend, but the measles virus will not suspend. Bacteria and virus will not suspend. It will accelerate when we disappoint security guards,” Tom Frieden, who served as the center for disease control and prevention directors under President Obama for eight years, said at the U.S. Summit East, a U.S. Planned Summit East on Thursday. Frieden is currently the nonprofit resolved president and CEO, who is about saving lives.
His comments come a week after the Trump administration Candidate withdrawn to lead the CDCformer House member Dave Weldon, and then Concerns about his views on vaccines Dangerous Senate votes. Weldon has questioned the safety of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines, particularly over the years, and has paralleled some of Kennedy's theories.
The agency has also stopped at a public meeting of expert advisors, led by Doge Services in the US, with funding and staffing cuts, leading to public meetings, and is likely under more scrutiny from Kennedy.
Kennedy said after becoming a health and welfare secretary. Measles vaccine “Easy access for everyone who wants them,” but that's a personal choice. He also said that measles outbreaks are “not uncommon,” but the outbreak caused the death toll of measles for the first time in a decade, suggesting that vitamin A can help treat sick patients.
Over 300 cases of measles have been reported in Texas and New Mexico, at least The deaths of twoIncludes Children who have not been vaccinated. Texas public health officials warned this week that it could take a year. Contains outbreaks.
The outbreak comes amid a complete storm of public mistrust among vaccines and the health professionals defending them, Frieden said. He spoke about starting his career as a CDC epidemic information services officer 35 years ago during a New York-based measles outbreak.
“We've seen children with long-term consequences of neurological problems from measles, children dying, children dying. So when the head of HHS says, “Oh, that's a daily childhood illness.” Well, yes, it's a common pediatric disease that kills around 100,000 children every year around the world. ”
Frieden also called Kennedy's claim (during confirmation hearing in January) about a 97% conflict of interest in “absolute nonsense” of 97% of federal advisory committee members that mislead the 2009 agency audit. That report We found errors in most disclosure forms, but they included filling out the wrong lines and forgetting the first section.
“It's clear that there are attempts to trust the basic facts,” he said.
However, the former CDC director acknowledged that Americans' complaints about the CDC and growing skepticism towards public health experts was partly due to the agency's failures during the coronavirus pandemic.
“You can criticize the different covid responses with validity. The CDC errors in clinical testing were terrible. … Some of the guidance was unrealistic, late, and school was too long. There was definitely a mistake,” he said. “We need to address the current issues in a way that resonates with people.”
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