Two cases of measles confirmed in Maryland residents on a recent international trip

March 20, 2025
Media Contact:
Chase Cook, Director, Communications Bureau, 410-767-8649
Two cases of measles confirmed in Maryland residents on a recent international trip
Maryland urged people to check exposure times, monitor symptoms and make sure vaccinations are up to date
Baltimore, Maryland – The Maryland Department of Health and Prince George County Health Authority today released a positive case of measles among two Prince George County residents who recently traveled together internationally. These cases are not associated with A recently confirmed measles case has been confirmed in a Howard County resident Or measles outbreaks in New Mexico, Texas and Oklahoma. From the abundant attention, health officials are coordinating to identify potentially exposed people, including contacting passengers who have been exposed on a particular flight.
Anyone who visited the following location during any of the listed times may be publicly available.
Washington Dulles International Airport: In the transport and baggage request area to Concourse A, International Arrival Building (IAB)
Kaiser Permanente Largo Medical Center, 1221 Mercantile LN, Upper Marlborough
March 5th, 7:30pm – March 6th, 4:30am
March 13th, 4:15am to 10:00am
March 15th, 7:45am to 3:15pm
March 17th, 2:30pm to 7pm
Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport: Terminal Shuttle Bus
Washington Metro Area Transit: Yellow line train Ronald Reagan from Washington National Airport Station Children at the Plaza Station Silver Line Train heading to downtown Largo station
Passport Toyota, 5001 Auth Way, Suitland
What if you think you might have been exposed?
People, especially those who have not been fully vaccinated or are not immune to measles, who have been in any of these locations during the possible exposure, should monitor themselves for early symptoms of measles for 21 days after potential exposure.
Exposed individuals who develop fever or other symptoms of measles should not go to childcare, school, workplace, or public places and should contact their healthcare provider. They should call the healthcare provider before presenting it to the waiting room or emergency department so that the facility can take steps to prevent measles from spreading to others.
Individuals with non-immune disease may be eligible for post-exposure treatment if exposure occurs on March 15 or March 17th. Those who may be exposed and unimmunized should contact their healthcare provider or call the Prince George County Health Department's Infectious Disease Surveillance and Response Program for more guidance during normal business hours or at 301-583-3750 at 240-508-5774 on weekends.
The early symptoms of measles are fever of 101 degrees Fahrenheit, runny nose, cough, and red, watery eyes. Usually, one to four days after the initial symptoms, a red rash appears on the face and spreads across the rest of the body. Symptoms usually occur 10-14 days after exposure, but can occur 7 days and 21 days after exposure. People with measles are contagious and start four days before the rash begins.
If the latest in measles vaccination, we confirmed with the laboratory that measles immunity was generally immunized, and whether they had measles in their lifetime, or were immunized to measles, and that they were born before 1957.
Virginia residents asking questions about potential exposures can call the Virginia Department of Health at 804-363-2704 or email
Washington, DC residents who have questions about potential exposures can call DC Health at 844-493-2652 or email
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that all travelers get I was fully vaccinated against measles before my trip To an international destination. Traditionally, measles vaccines are given mainly on the child's first birthday. However, families traveling internationally with families with children under the age of one can discuss their destination and the appropriate vaccines to discuss their destination and the appropriate vaccines. In certain cases, the measles vaccine is already six months old.
Measles cases have occurred sporadically in Maryland, with one case of measles in Maryland earlier this year, one case of measles in 2024, one in 2023, and none between 2020 and 2022.
Media Availability: Dr. Lucia Donatelli, chief of the Center for Vaccinations, Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Outbreak Response, will be taking part in media questions at 6:30pm today. Join Google Meetings Or call 1 413-276-6895 PIN: 851 558 648#.
The Maryland Department of Health is dedicated to protecting and improving all Maryland health and safety through disease prevention, access to care, quality control and community involvement. になったんです。 English: The first thing you can do is to find the best one to do.
になったんです。 English: The first thing you can do is to find the best one to do.
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