Some tictalkers offer advice on ADHD. What do experts say? : Short WaveExBulletin

In many ways, social media platforms like Tiktok have helped democratize mental health debates about things like ADHD. However, researchers feel that the information is not necessarily accurate.
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In many ways, social media platforms like Tiktok have helped democratize mental health debates about things like ADHD. However, researchers feel that the information is not necessarily accurate.
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Have you ever diagnosed a mental health disorder based on Tiktok videos?
If so, you are definitely not alone. Many people turn to social media to understand their actions and find their community.
“Personally, I don't think there are more people than people who want to understand themselves and understand their experiences,” he says. Vasileia Karasavvathe lead author of the paper published in the journal PLOS 1 this week. “People have this innate impulse, hey, am I alone with this?”
However, research throws a wrench at that tactic.
According to the paper, less than half of the claims made in 100 most popular Tiktok videos using the hashtag #ADHD are consistent with the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders. DSM is used by psychiatrists and other clinicians to assist in the diagnosis and treatment of patients.
The researchers have appointed two clinical psychologists to assess the accuracy of each video using a five-point scale, according to the DSM. The rating informed them that they “definitely do not recommend” videos of concern that they were either harmful misinformation or completely useless. Five showed that psychologists recommend videos without warning or explanation.
Ultimately, less than 50% of the claims were accurate based on DSM. No videos have been perfectly rated.
The research team then showed 843 undergraduates five most accurate videos assessed by clinicians.
Students rated the lowest ratings video very highly than psychologists, but were less likely to recommend the bottom five videos as a form of psychological education for the top five. To sum up, the paper authors say this suggests that younger adults will critically evaluate videos – not always in a way that matches clinical criteria.
This can lead to a disconnect between mental health professionals and those seeking help. Patients may feel irritated or invisible, and if they receive another diagnosis, they may miss out on help. Another concern is that Tiktok users can fall prey to the products and services presented as ADHD treatments, but they are not supported by science, and may be ineffective and harmful.
Still, Karasavva understands why people want mental health information on social media.
“Mental health support remains gated for most people, and here is the internet and social media that democratize access to this information,” says a graduate student at the University of British Columbia. She also points out that creators often share personal experiences without the intention of sharing misinformation.
Karasavva advises anyone who wants mental health support to seek treatment if they can afford it. She also encourages people to check both the reliability of their sources and how the content they consume affects their mental health.
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This episode was produced by Rachel Carlson and Elena Burnett. Edited by Rebecca Ramirez and Christopher Intagliata. Tyler Jones checked the facts. Jimmy Keely, Valentina Rodriguez Sanchez and Hannah Grukna were audio engineers.
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