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The importance of measles vaccination in the discussion of vitamin A

The importance of measles vaccination in the discussion of vitamin A



The outbreak of measles born in the South Plains area of ​​Texas has continued to spread as of March 18, 2025 with nearly 320 cases and two unvaccinated deaths due to measles-related causes.1,2 As the outbreak continues, concerns are growing regarding the effects of misinformation, particularly about the use of vitamin A for measles prevention.3

Measles Virus or Virus – Image Credit: Design Cell |


US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Director Robert F. Kennedy Jr. appeared to demonstrate support for vitamin A supplementation and vaccination, along with vaccination in a recent opinion article. Fox News. Kennedy expressed support for measles vaccination and acknowledged its role in protecting vulnerable individuals, but he also emphasized that vaccination decisions should ultimately be personal choices.3,4

However, as cases rise, experts warn that vitamin A supplementation should not be used as an alternative to vaccination, but should primarily be used as supplementary treatment for measles within hospital settings for patients with moderate to severe infections. Vitamin A deficiency is especially rare in the United States, and primarily affects people with dietary deficiency or certain liver absorption disorders. However, it is an important public health issue among developing countries, especially infants, children, and pregnant or breastfeeding women.5

“The context of the conversation about vitamin A's nutritional deficiency is people in countries and regions where they are malnourished. This is not primarily in the US. The fear here is that if you've already fallen, it's not that you're fishing from the stream and prevent them from falling to equal executives at the first executive supervisor. Purdue University and the 20th Surgeon General at US said in an interview with The age of pharmacies.

Kennedy's message has raised concerns, particularly regarding the availability of vitamin A treatments and how to guide people to believe that vaccinations against measles are not necessary. However, experts have emphasized that Vitamin A is not an alternative or equivalent to measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccinations.3

“We're going to see cases of measles continue to multiply, and we'll lose the situation of measles eradication as a nation, and more people will be harmed, [Kennedy] We need to come out as a strong advocate as HHS secretary and make more people happy with the vaccine,” Adams said.

Once infected, measles complications are more likely to occur in children with malnutrition, especially those with limited vitamin A intake or with weakened immune systems, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Complications can include blindness. Encephalitis; severe diarrhea and related dehydration; ear infections; and severe respiratory dysfunction.6,7

Among the related complications surrounding vitamin A deficiency, both WHO and AAP recommend using vitamin A in all people with measles, particularly in the setting of resource limitations, in relation to the association between morbidity and mortality.6,7

Vitamin A treatment includes daily doses over two days, and the amount varies depending on your age. It's 200,000 IU for children over 12 months, 100,000 IU for babies under 6 months, and 50,000 IU for babies under 6 months. A third dose is recommended for children who show signs of vitamin A deficiency after a few weeks. Individuals with mild, moderate, or severe infections are required to receive supplementation. However, this is only within the medical supervision or hospital setting to ensure proper administration. Inappropriate supplementation of vitamin A can lead to toxicity.6,7

“Kennedy will be known as the Health Secretary who was at the helm when America created measles again,” concluded Adams. “Or he will become known as the health secretary who went from skeptics to vaccine advocates.

1. Measles cases have risen to around 320 total in Texas and New Mexico. This is what you need to know. AP News. News release. Updated on March 18th, 2025. Accessed March 20th, 2025.–texas-new-mexico-vaccine-rfk-d5444b33397c7c4034e63becc219aa33
2. Measles cases and occurrences. CDC. News release. Updated March 14th, 2025. Accessed March 20th, 2025.
3. Vitamin A is useful for measles, but it is not an alternative to vaccination. Today's Med Page. News release. March 6th, 2025. Accessed March 20th, 2025. 12&MH=6D2B5F4F4F913524444444444444444444444444444447550BC&ZDEE=GAAAABM4UL9FCOIF1N83NRCWYYQNQUVN6IW4DBAY-DGVA4SOP 57NSM2EW3WD87OHRUOSEQBDBCP1MG30J6ETPHPHXK1WNPP0NGNGTMFXRTFANFWUOL5EKF-Y%3D&UTM_SOURCE=SAILTHRU&U tm_medium=email&utm_campaign=investivativemd_03122025&utm_term=nl_gen_int_investigatemd_active
4. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. : The outbreak of measles is a call to action for all of us. Fox News. March 2, 2024. Accessed March 20th, 2025.
5. Vitamin A deficiency. Cleveland Clinic. Updated May 23rd, 2022. Accessed March 20th, 2025.
6. World Health Organization. measles. November 14th, 2024. Accessed March 20th, 2025.
7. American Academy of Pediatrics. measles. 2024. Accessed March 20th, 2025. redirect




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