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Is creatine safe and effective for the elderly?

Is creatine safe and effective for the elderly?



People training in the gym.
Northeast experts say creatine when combined with exercise helps to build muscle mass. Getty Images

More and more creatine supplements are being used by older people to help youthful weightlifting and athletes maintain muscle and improve cognition for a long time.

Performance experts and professors at Northeastern University say the latest research shows that creatine helps to keep older people stronger. But it's not a miraculous elixir. People have to work and continue working to see profits.

Why should you combine it with exercise?

“Creatine is used by the muscles to restore and provide energy,” he says. Carla Boomesterclinical professor of pharmacy and health systems science in the northeast.

“This supplement helps you recover after your muscles are used, so there are places where you can see benefits by combining this with exercise,” she says.

Creatine is sometimes advertised, especially in the elderly, as it works in itself to build muscle, even in couch potatoes. “But taking powder alone doesn't go to work,” Bouwmeester says.

“You can still take your creatine (without exercise), but you'll probably produce expensive urine.” Rui liDirector of the Northeastern Exercise Science Program.

How is it consumed? Is it safe?

Creatine is an amino acid that is normally consumed in the form of a powder mixed with water.

The use, an established supplement since 1985, has been approved by the American School of Sports Medicine, says Li, associate clinical professor of public health and hygiene science.

How does muscle loss slow?

The benefits of taking creatine are associated with not only durable athletes but sports that require short, explosive, explosive power bursts, says Li.

“As the aging process, muscle loss is inevitable,” she says. “But the good news is that exercise and nutrition contribute to slowing down the muscle loss process. And creatine supplementation certainly helps slow this process.”

“A few years ago, creatine was primarily related to weight room activities,” he says. Steve ClarkDirector of Performance Rehabilitation in Northeastern.

“What we're seeing now is that more and more research shows that increased availability of cellular energy can help with every process in the body, from muscle growth to cognitive benefits,” says Clark.

“There are many different ways to supplement creatine, but creatine monohydrate has proven to be the most effective,” says Li.

Gregory CrutierHe says he is a professor of Northeast Psychology and an expert in human performance, and the recommended daily dose of creatine is 3-5 grams, and he supports supplementing the 5.

What are the benefits for the elderly?

“For older people, taking creatine monoxide salts, in contrast to younger people, may be a little more beneficial because they already have natural abilities as they lose muscle mass,” says Cloutier.

“As you get older, you lose your hormone balance, muscle mass and capillary density,” he says.

Cloutier says creatine helps restore and balance muscle mass through the chemical process that builds energy into the system.

How exactly does it work?

The human body relies on energy stored in the form of adenosine triphosphate or ATP, which lasts for the first three seconds of activity, says Cloutier. The body then relies on the naturally occurring creatine phosphate system to create more ATP.

“If we can add more (creatine) to our system, we can borrow that phosphate to generate short-term energy and prevent fatigue during resistance training,” says Cloutier.

“I can lift it a little heavily, and I also improve my bone density, which is important as I get older to prevent falls and breaks.”

Cloutier says that when combining resistance training with creatine to see the best results, he advises older women to try weights and 15 repetitions instead of lighter weights and 20 repetitions.

Does it help brain function?

Creatine may not be very useful for muscle exertion, but some studies have shown that supplementation alone may be cognitively suitable, Cloutier says.

He says it may have something to do with the delivery of energy to the brain. Alternatively, people who use creatine supplements may be inspired by exercise, which also improves cognitive function.

Clark says that when his 17-year-old son tried creatine after adding supplements to his regimen, he realized, “I'm not a bit tired all day long, if you do, I'll be a little sharper.”

His personal experience falls into an anecdote category in itself, Clark says, but adds that it is interesting to test some of the claims made by creatine supporters.

How about water weight gain?

Li says it's important to follow recommended dosages to avoid wasting money, such as weight gain from water retention.

Even with proper administration, creatine is known to be active in osmotic pressure, which may increase the weight of the water. This means pulling water into muscle cells.

“Replenishing creatine and creatine into skeletal muscle will attract water to skeletal muscle.” Geoffrey Ebbsa Northeast strength and conditioning coach.

“You could also think of it as a redistribution of water within the system,” he says.

“This temporary weight gain is not due to fat gain, but due to water retention,” says Li. He added that moisture retention tends to last for 1-2 weeks.

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Other possible side effects

People can experience gastrointestinal problems when they start replenishing creatine. This states that eBbs could be reduced by avoiding “loading” additional creatine servings before settling down to normal daily doses.

“A lot of instructions about the jars you buy and the capsules you buy will tell you to go through this period,” he says. “Obviously, the more I take it, the more likely it will tear my stomach.

It also helps to take non-acidic juice with creatine and split 5 grams into two daily doses to keep GI symptoms at bay, says Ebbs.

Creatine is considered safe for the kidneys of healthy people, but it can cause problems for older people with poor kidney function, Bouwmeester said.

“It's like an extra strain on your kidneys because your kidneys need to work hard to get rid of creatine,” she says.

Li says she advises people taking creatine supplements to check with their doctors and nutritionists and always buy from reliable sources.




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