Research provides new insight into the harmful effects of sugar-subscribed drinks on human health

Researchers from the Advanced Research Unit on Metabolism, Development and Aging (ARUMDA) at the TATA Basic Research Institute (TIFR, Mumbai, TIFR Hyderabad) have revealed a comprehensive understanding of the harmful effects of sugar-processed beverages (SSBs) on human health. Published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, this study sheds light on how chronic sucrose water intake (10%) alters the major physiological, molecular, and metabolic processes of various organs, promoting the development of diseases such as diabetes and obesity.
The importance of research
This study provides important insight into how chronic SSB consumption disrupts physiological processes, even at human-related levels. This study uniquely integrates organ-specific molecular mechanisms and provides a system-level understanding of how SSB promotes obesity, diabetes, and other metabolic disorders.
Findings from the United Nations Public Sector and Global Nutrition Databases, as well as population-level studies conducted by research institutes such as the NHS, NIH, and other areas, clearly demonstrate the surprising increase in the consumption of sugary drinks worldwide, including India. The findings of this study are highly relevant as this contributes to global efforts in combating metabolic disorders associated with overconsumption of SSB.
Research Methods
This study employed a physiologically relevant model in which mice are fed with 10% sucrose water, mimicking chronic human SSB consumption. The researchers conducted a detailed analysis of molecular, cellular, and metabolic responses in multiple tissues, including the liver, muscle and small intestine, under FRB and fasting conditions.
Important findings
small Intestines Central role in metabolism Dysregulation
This study found that the small intestine is a major contributor to the imbalance of systemic glucose. Excessive sucrose consumption causes “molecular poisoning” in the intestinal layer, causing the unbalanced absorption of glucose (hexose sugars) to other essential nutrients such as amino acids and fats.
This nutritional intake imbalance disrupts energy metabolism and amplifies dysfunction in other organs, such as the liver and muscles.
Feeding and fasting state difference
The effects of chronic dietary perturbations affecting physiology under Fed and fasting conditions are underestimated. In this respect, this study showed distinct assimilation and catabolism responses in fasting and fasting states due to chronic sucrose intake. This imbalance further emphasizes how nutritional allocation and resource recruitment contribute to systemic metabolic disorders.
Liver and muscles effect
Despite increased glucose absorption, the liver does not show alterations in gene expression associated with glucose metabolism. Instead, it causes systemic insulin resistance and exacerbates gluconeogenesis (glucose production by the liver), which leads to metabolic imbalances.
In skeletal muscle, mitochondrial dysfunction and reduced efficiency of glucose utilization further contribute to impaired metabolic states.
meaning for public health
The findings highlight the urgent need for policies and awareness campaigns to reduce SSB consumption, particularly among vulnerable groups.
Identification of tissue-specific effects provides a roadmap for developing targeted therapies to combat the increased global burden of metabolic diseases associated with high sugar intake.
Potential treatment goals
By identifying these tissue-specific mechanisms, researchers propose targeting tissue-wide intestinal nutrition transport pathways and mitochondrial function as a potential strategy to mitigate the metabolic effects of SSB consumption.
Journal Reference:
Ganguly, S. , et al. (2025). Sucrose – Water consumption rearranges macronutrient uptake and utilization mechanisms in tissue-specific ways. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry.
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