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Current antiviral agents likely to be less effective against severe infections caused by the avian influenza virus in milk

Current antiviral agents likely to be less effective against severe infections caused by the avian influenza virus in milk



As the outbreak of H5N1 avian influenza continues, scientists are working to better understand the virus's threat to human health. The virus has been found in milk from dairy cows, infecting farm workers, and is urging scientists at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital to study potential treatments. Results showed that in preclinical models, two FDA-approved influenza antiviral agents generally did not successfully treat severe H5N1 infection. Furthermore, the researchers found that routes of infection, whether through the eyes, nose or mouth, have a major impact on the effectiveness of treatment. The results of the survey were published today Natural Microbiology.

“Our evidence suggests that people who have been severely infected with this strain of H5N1 avian flu in the cow are likely to be difficult to treat,” said the corresponding author, Dr. Richard Webby, Interaction Bureau of St. Jude Host Miclobe. “Instead, reducing the risk of infection by not drinking raw milk and reducing the exposure of dairy workers may be the most effective intervention.”

Insufficient antiviral agents

Although H5N1 infections are rare in humans, there are more than 60 people infected from dairy exposure at the current outbreak. Some people have been exposed to contaminated raw cow milk, including dairy workers infected with splashes and aerosolized particles reaching the eyes. Given the risks to human health, scientists used mouse models to test how each antiviral drug works with the virus when obtained through three different exposure routes.

“In general, baloxavir [Xofluza] Caused a significant reduction in virus levels than oseltamivir [Tamiflu]”They're excited to be able to help them understand the potential of their lives,” said Jeremy Jones, director of the Interactions of Host Micloves.

Researchers have studied exposure routes, including the eyes, mouth and nose, which are the most common ways to infect the virus. The oral route mimicking the drinking of raw, infected milk caused the worst infection that was hardest to treat.

“The virus is spreading verbally well beyond normal lung infections,” Webby said. “It spread to the brain and blood flow, and antivirals have failed to stop it or improve survival.”

In contrast, the findings showed that valvexavir controlled infection fairly well through the eyes. These results are particularly relevant as the ocular route appears to be a common route of infection in people working directly with dairy cows.

“Baloxavir communicated a 100% survival rate compared to 25% of oseltamivir,” Jones said. “That's why the benefits of baloxavir, an ocular infection route, are enhanced.”

The results were mixed for the nose route. Although valoxavir exceeded viral levels than oseltamivir, the virus still reached the brain. Both antiviral agents increased survival rates, with valvexavir and oseltamivir achieving survival rates of 75% and 50%, respectively.

“We have shown that the effectiveness of existing antiviral agents against H5N1 avian influenza is route and drug dependent. “We therefore explore different drug combinations and doses, but we need to do everything we can to reduce the risk of infection.

Authors and Funding

Other authors of this study are all Constantine Andreef, Thomas Fabrizio and Elenago Volcova of St. Jude and Andrew Bowman at Ohio State University.

This study was supported by grants from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (Contract #75N93021C00016) and the St. Jude fundraising and awareness organization ALSAC.




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