What causes allergic symptoms? Treatment of cough, headaches and fatigue

How to survive allergy season
Spring is mostly here, and so is the case for allergies. Here are 5 amazing ways to survive spring allergies.
- Trees, grasses and rugweed pollen are common seasonal allergy triggers.
- Seasonal allergies can cause symptoms such as sneezing, itching, runny nose, and congestion.
- Untreated allergies can lead to sinus infections, bronchitis, or pneumonia.
March 20th has been marked The beginning of spring According to the astronomical calendar, it also means for many people the beginning of the allergy season.
According to CDC 2021 data, seasonal allergies affect about a third of Americans, and that portion of the population could be higher in Memphis. A new study from the American Asthma and Allergy Foundation: Memphis was the fifth city For those with seasonal allergies.
There are some facts about what allergies are and what causes them.
What is an allergy?
When do allergies occur? You will come into contact with an allergic substance known as allergic. When the immune system comes into contact with an allergen, chemicals such as histamine, leukotriene, and prostaglandins are released. These can cause symptoms such as runny nose, itching, sneezing, and coughing.
When it comes to seasonal allergies, most people who consume them are allergic to pollen from plants that bloom in warm climates. Breathing can cause blockage of the nose passages and cause inflammation and irritation of the nose and eyes when you breathe.
What causes allergies?
Seasonal allergies are often caused by reactions to pollen from trees, grasses, and ragweed. Wooden pollen is produced between February and April, while grass and ragweed can produce pollen by the end of summer.
Other plants that can produce pollen Allergens include burning bushes, cock louver, ram quarter, pigweed, surge brushes, mugworts, tumbleweeds and Russian thistles.
How long does your allergy last?
Seasonal allergies can last up to several weeks. The easiest way to treat them is to take over-the-counter antihistamines, use nasal saline rinses, or use nasal steroid sprays.
Without treatment, seasonal allergies can develop into stronger diseases. Sinus infection, bronchitis or pneumonia.
What are common seasonal allergic symptoms?
People experiencing a response to seasonal allergens may not have all of the typical symptoms, but they probably have a few. Itching, sneezing, runny nose or suffocating nose are the most common symptoms of allergies.
- congestion
- sneeze
- Itching, nose, throat
- Runny nose and eyes
- After the nose drip
- Fatigue
- cough
The worst city for allergies
Wichita, Kansas, scored the worst score in the country with 100. Cities have worsened than average pollen count, drug use and expert count.
Memphis was the fifth worst, with a score of 83.50. The city was below average pollen count and drug use, but the number of experts was average.
- Wichita, Kansas: 100
- New Orleans, Louisiana: 86.81
- Oklahoma Headport, Kauha Holo: 86.0.01
- Tulsa, Okpon: 8..16
- Memphis, Tennessee: 83.50
- Little Rock, Arkansas: 82.94
- Raleigh, North Carolina: 82.87
- Richmond, Virginia: 82.80
- Greenville, South Carolina: 82.74
- Greensboro, North Carolina: 82.08
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